Autoupgrade - Verify the UI of the module



Step Description Expected result
Install A fresh 8.0.5 in english You should have the selection of where in your shop you want to go ( BO or FO )
Go to the BO You should have your dashboard showed
Go to the Module Catalog" page" Module Catalog page is displayed correctly
Search for the 1-click Install" module. Install it" Module is correctly installed
Go to the General Parameters > Maintenance" page. Put the shop in maintenance mode" Maintenance page is displayed correctly. Maintenance mode is activated
Set your “Maintenance IP” by clicking the button “+ Add my IP” and clic on “Save” button Your IP should be setted on the field and you will have the green notification
Go to the 1-Click Upgrade page * You should see the configuration page of the module in english 
* All the checklist should be green
Scroll down and check the “start your uprgrade” part On the “Latest official version for minor channel.” you should have the number “8 stable - (8.1.x)” where x is the latest version of 8.1.x release (currently 8.1.7)
Look at the Sidebar of Prestashop You should see an icon with an up arrow instead of a puzzle piece
Look at the bottom You should see the footer with the privacy policy that are a linked with
* Go to BO > International > Localization 
* Import the Czech republic language
* import the germany language
* Import the spainish language
* Import the french language
* Import the italian language
* Import the poland language
* Import the russian language
* You should have the localization tab 
* You should have all the different language imported
* Go to your profile
* Change the language to Czech republic and clic on save
* You should see your profile on the employee tab 
* Your employee tab should be in czech
Go to the 1-Click Upgrade page * You should see the configuration page of the module in czech 
* All the checklist should be green
* Go to your profile
* Change the language to Germany and clic on save
* You should see your profile on the employee tab 
* Your employee tab should be in german
Go to the 1-Click Upgrade page * You should see the configuration page of the module in german 
* All the checklist should be green
* Go to your profile
* Change the language to spanish and clic on save
* You should see your profile on the employee tab 
* Your employee tab should be in spanish
Go to the 1-Click Upgrade page * You should see the configuration page of the module in spanish 
* All the checklist should be green
* Go to your profile
* Change the language to french and clic on save
* You should see your profile on the employee tab 
* Your employee tab should be in french
Go to the 1-Click Upgrade page * You should see the configuration page of the module in french 
* All the checklist should be green
* Go to your profile
* Change the language to italian and clic on save
* You should see your profile on the employee tab 
* Your employee tab should be in italian
Go to the 1-Click Upgrade page * You should see the configuration page of the module in italian 
* All the checklist should be green
* Go to your profile
* Change the language to poland and clic on save
* You should see your profile on the employee tab 
* Your employee tab should be in poland
Go to the 1-Click Upgrade page * You should see the configuration page of the module in poland 
* All the checklist should be green
* Go to your profile
* Change the language to russian and clic on save
* You should see your profile on the employee tab 
* Your employee tab should be in russian
Go to the 1-Click Upgrade page * You should see the configuration page of the module in russian 
* All the checklist should be green