FO - Order confirmation - Display of product customization



Step Description Expected result
Go to FO > Clic on “Search our catalog” > Write “custo” You should see four different product ( the first one is Customizable Mug )
Clic on Customizable Mug * The Customizable mug product page should be displayed
* “Add to cart” should be disabled
Write your texte on “Your message here” and clic on “Save Customization” * You should have no text on the text area 
* You should have the text “Your curstomization: test”
* “Add to cart” should be enabled
* Clic on “Add to cart”
* Clic on “Proceed to checkout”
* You should have a  modal “Product successfully added to your shopping cart”
* You should have your cart with your customizable mug
* Clic on “Proceed to checkout”
* Clic on “Sign in” 
* Set your account 
* Clic on continue
* You should see the “Order as guest” page 
* You should see the “Sign in” page
* You should see “Adresses” tab
Clic on “Continue” You should see the “Shipping method” tab with Click and collect selected
* Clic on “Continue”
* Select the “Pay by check” option 
* Clic on “I agree […] unconditionally” 
* Clic on “Place Order” button
* You should see the “Payment” tab with “Place Order” button disabled 
* The Play by check option should be selected ans you will have the info to where you can send your check
* “Place Order” button should be enabled
* You should see you Order Confirmation
Clic on “Product customization” You should have a modal with : 

Title : Product customization 
Type your text here : test
Click on the cross Modal is deleted

Order confirmation page displayed