BO - Cart Rules - Sort, pagination



Step Description Expected result
Go to BO > Catalog > Discounts > Cart rule page The cart rule page is well displayed
Sort by ID desc Sort by ID desc
Sort by Name asc The list is sorted by Name asc (a->b->c)
Sort by Name desc The list is sorted by Name desc (c->b->a)
Sort by Priority asc The list is sorted by priority asc
Sort by Priority desc The list is sorted by priority desc
Sort by Code asc The list is sorted by code asc
Sort by Code desc The list is sorted by code desc
Sort by Quantity asc The list is sorted by quantity asc
Sort by Quanity desc The list is sorted by Quantity desc
Sort by Expiration date asc The list is sorted by Expiration date asc
Sort by Expiration date desc The list is sorted by Expiration date desc
Sort by ID asc The list is sorted by ID asc
Change Display items to 10 There are two pages
Click on Next The Second page is displayed
Click on Previous The first page is displayed
Change Display items to 50 Pagination = 1