BO - Products list - Bulk actions, Enable/Disable, 3-dot button



Step Description Expected result
Go to BO > Catalog > Products All products should be displayed
Enable the checkbox near the “Min & Max” of ID All checkbox of product present in this page is enabled
Disable the checkbox near the “Min & Max” of ID All checkbox of product present in this page is disabled
Enable the checkbox near the “Min & Max” of ID All checkbox of product present in this page is enabled
* Clic on the Bulk actions button 
* Clic on “Deactivate selection”
* Clic on “Deactivate selection”
* Clic on “Close”
* A pop up is displayed with : “activate selection” “Deactivate selection” “Duplicate selection” “Delete Selection” 
* A pop up is displayed with “Deactivate selection” 
* A loading is displayed 
* All product selected should be disabled (Status off)
Enable the checkbox near the “Min & Max” of ID All checkbox of product present in this page is enabled
* Clic on the Bulk actions button 
* Clic on “Activate selection”
* Clic on “Cancel”
* A pop up is displayed 
* A pop up is displayed with “Activate selection” 
* The pop up should be closed and you still have your product selected
* Clic on the Bulk actions button 
* Clic on “Activate selection”
* Clic on “Activate selection”
* Clic on “Close”
* A pop up is displayed 
* A pop up is displayed with “Activate selection” 
* A loading is displayed 
* All product selected should be enabled (Status on)
Enable the checkbox near the “Min & Max” of ID All checkbox of product present in this page is enabled
* Clic on the Bulk actions button 
* Clic on “Duplicate selection”
* Clic on “Duplicate selection”
* Clic on “Close”
* A pop up is displayed 
* A pop up is displayed with “Duplicate selection” 
* A loading is displayed 
* All product selected should be duplicated and disabled
Check the products disabled products are checked
* Clic on the Bulk actions button 
* Clic on “Delete selection”
* Clic on “Delete selection”
* Clic on “Close”
* A pop up is displayed 
* A pop up is displayed with “Delete selection” 
* A loading is displayed 
* All product selected should be deleted
* Clic on the Bulk actions button 
* Clic on “Delete selection”
* Clic on “Delete selection”
* Clic on “Stop processing” during the load 
* Clic on “Close”
* A pop up is displayed 
* A pop up is displayed with “Delete selection” 
* A loading is displayed 
* Two yellow alert will be displayed 
" View 1 error logs"
“Something went wrong with IDs [number of IDs you selected] the operation was aborted”
* Product until the ID showed in the error message will be deleted
* On the first product, clic on the three dot 
* Clic on “Preview”
* a pop up is displayed with “Preview”, “Dupplicate” and “Delete”
* The product will be displayed on the FO
If you use it on a product disabled, you’ll se a baneer with “This product is not visible to your customers”
* On the first product, clic on the three dot 
* Clic on “Dupplicate”
* Clic on “Go to catalog”
* a pop up is displayed
* The new product is displayed on BO with the same details than the previous, it name is “copy of [name of your previous product” and you have a green notification “Successful duplication”
* All product should be displayed
* On the first product, clic on the three dot 
* Clic on “Delete”
* Clic on “Cancel”
* a pop up is displayed
* A new pop up is displayed named “Delete selection”
* All pop up is disabled
* On the first product, clic on the three dot 
* Clic on “Delete”
* Clic on “Delete”
* a pop up is displayed
* A new pop up is displayed named “Delete selection”
* The product is deleted and you’ll have a green notification “Successful deletion”