BO - Advanced Parameters - Database - SQL Manager - CRUD



Step Description Expected result
Go to advanced Parameters > Database > SQL Manager SQL Manager page is well displayed

the SQL Manager table is empty  = 0
Click on “Add new SQL query " new page will display with
* a form contains a sql query name field and a sql query field .
* a list of MYSQL Tables 
* list of attributes for this MYSQL  Table
add a SQL query name and SQL query SQL Manager page is well displayed

Successful message is displayed .

the SQL Manager table +1
Click on dropdow-toggle > View Table with id_profile and id_authorization_role displayed
Click to SQL Manager SQL Manager page displayed
click on the dropdown-toggle > edit the SQL Manager page of the latest sql query created is well displayed
change the informations of the SQL query succesful message is displayed “Successful update”

the informations of the SQL query are updated
Click on the dropdown -toggle > Delete Modale displayed with 2 buttons: Cancel and Delete


Message : 
h4. Delete selection
Are you sure you want to delete the selected item(s)?
Click on Delete succesful message is displayed “Successful deletion”

the SQL manager table =0