Autoupgrade - Report after a fail of autoupgrade



Step Description Expected result
Install A fresh 8.1.5 You should have the selection of where in your shop you want to go ( BO or FO )
Go to the BO You should have your dashboard showed
Go to the Module Catalog" page" Module Catalog page is displayed correctly
Search for the 1-click Install" module. Install it" Module is correctly installed
Go to the General Parameters > Maintenance" page. Put the shop in maintenance mode" Maintenance page is displayed correctly. Maintenance mode is activated
Set your “Maintenance IP” by clicking the button “+ Add my IP” and clic on “Save” button Your IP should be setted on the field and you will have the green notification
* Go to [Yourshopfolder] > admin_folder > autoupgrade
* Create a folder named “modules” and enter on it 
* put the folder in attachment in this files
* You should have only the folder 
** backup
** download
** latest
** tmp
* You should have none files in it 
* You should have ps_banner on the files
* Go to BO > 1-Click Upgrade page * You should see the configuration page of the module
* Do a right click on your bowser to go in “Inspect mode” 
* Go to the “console”
* launch {quote} Sentry.captureException(new Error(‘oh no!’)); {quote}
* You should have the details of what is displayed on your screen directly in a little box
* you should see the different request done during the upgrade 
* The console will answer you with things like ““dbbff11fd3594bff945d3251e989e634"”
Launch upgrade * Upgrade is launched
* Your upgrade should display an error when the modules are upgrade
* The button “Reports a bug” should be displayed
* Clic on “Report a bug” 
* Setup your answer and clic on “Send a bug report”
* Go to “"
* A new modal “Give feedback” should be displayed with “Email” and “Description” field and “Cancel” and “Send a bug report” button 
* The field Email shouldn’t have Email in grey in it and Description field doesn’t have “Give us details about the error” in grey 
* You should see all the different error send to sentry except your “oh no!” message
On the rollback part
* Click on “– choose a backup to restore –"
* Click on the back up 
* Click on the button “Rollback”
* You should have a back up with the name “v8.1.5_[the date of today in aaaammdd][The hours of the upgrade with hhmmss] [something else]” in a droplist
* The drop list should be lowed and the button Delete should appear 
* The Rollback should be launched and when it’s finished you should have the green notification with “
Your restoration is complete
Before continuing with your tasks, please review the following checklist to ensure smooth operation after recent recovery.”
Go to “" You should see : 
* [SUE] Upgrade Launched
* [SUE] Upgrade failed
* [SUE] Rollback launched
* [SUE] Rollback succeeded 

With the same Distinct ID and version of php should be like “X.X.XX”