Authorization Endpoint



Step Description Expected result
Request the endpoint /admin-dev/new-api/oauth2/token in GET method Receive a response where the HTTP code is 405
Request the endpoint /admin-dev/api/oauth2/token with oauth2 in POST method without informations Receive a response where the HTTP code is 400
Request the endpoint /admin-dev/api/oauth2/token in POST with informations but undefined (notUsed) Receive a response where the HTTP code is 400
Request the endpoint /admin-dev/api/oauth2/token in POST with informations but invalid (clientId + clientSecret) Receive a response where the HTTP Code is 401
Request the endpoint /admin-dev/api/oauth2/token in POST with valid informations (clientId + clientSecret) and undefined (notUsed parameter) Receive a response where the HTTP Code is 200
Request the endpoint /admin-dev/api/oauth2/token in POST with valid informations (clientId + clientSecret) * Receive a response where the HTTP Code is 200
* Receive a response in JSON
* Receive a response which contains this object 

{   “token_type”:“Bearer”   “expires_in”:3600,   “access_token”:"%access_token%", }