Resource Endpoint



Step Description Expected result
Login in BO > Go to modules manager page * The page title should contains ‘Module manager’
Check that the button upload module exist in the header of the page
Click on the button Upload module A pop-up contains ‘Drop your module archive here or select file’ appears
Drop the module “Keycloak Connector Demo” you want to install The installing process begins > a sucess message should appears
Check that the module is well installed and exist in the list of modules
Click on the button configure The page title should contains ‘Configure ’ and the page sub-title should contains the  module’s name
Define the Keycloak realm endpoint (for example
Click on Save
* The configuration page is refreshed
* The success message “Successful update” is well displayed
Request [http://localhost:8080/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/token] using POST data Return the access token by Keycloak
Request the endpoint /admin-dev/new-api/hook-status/1 without access token * Receive a response where the HTTP Code is 401
* Receive a response where the Header ‘WWW-Authenticate: Bearer’
Request the endpoint /admin-dev/new-api/hook-status/1 with an invalid access token * Receive a response where the HTTP Code is 401
* Receive a response where the Header ‘WWW-Authenticate: Bearer’
Request the endpoint /admin-dev/new-api/hook-status/1 with a valid but expired access token from Keycloak * Receive a response where the HTTP Code is 401
* Receive a response where the Header ‘WWW-Authenticate: Bearer’
Request the endpoint /admin-dev/new-api/hook-status/1 with a valid token from Keycloak * Receive a response where the HTTP Code is 200
* Receive a response in JSON
* Receive a response which contains the id of the hook and if it’s active (true / false)