BO - Product Page - Details Tab



Step Description Expected result
Go to BO > Catalog > New product > Standard product > Add new product Product creation page is well displayed
Add a title to your product > Switch to Online > Click Save Successful update message is displayed
Go to Tab Details > Add References > Click Save and publish Tab Details is red

For UPC barcode, GTIN (EAN, JA, ITF or UCC code), ISBN there’s a error message:
“lorem ipsum” is invalid
Edit the References with new data > Click Save and publish Successful update message is displayed
Edit the References with new data > Click Save and publish Successful update message is displayed
In Features > Add 2 features > Save and publish Successful update message is displayed

My 2 features are well updated.

My Customized Feature “Lorem Ipsum” is well displayed in FO > Product page > Product details
Click to “Manage Feature” button Feature page is well displayed
Return to your details product page

BO > Catalog > Product > “Your Product” > Details
Details page is well displayed
Add a feature with customized value and click to “Add a feature” Feature added to feature table
Click to “Save and publish” Details tabs is written in red

Error message : “The field “Custom value” is required at least in your default language.”
Delete both of the Features with trash icon > Delete > Save and publish Successful update message is displayed

In FO > data sheet is empty in product page
In Attached files > Click on Manage all files A new tab in opened for Catalog > Files page

No files exists
Search file “hello world” No results found for “hello world”
Click Add new file > Fill fields > Click Save The file was successfully added. alert is displayed

A new file is available in the product
Click the cross to delete the file > Confirm deletion Message No files attached is displayed
Enable Display condition on product page > Choose Used in dropdown > Click Save and publish Successful update message is displayed

In FO, in product page > Product Details > See Condition Used
In Customization > Click Add 4 customization fields > Save and publish Successful update message is displayed

In FO, see 4 customization fields
Click the cross to delete the file > Confirm deletion