BO - Shop Parameters - Product Settings - Default order by / Default order method



Step Description Expected result
Go to BO > Shop parameters > Product Settings Product Settings page is well displayed
In the section Pagination > Set products default order to Product name Product name option to Default order is well selected
Set products default order method to Ascending The default order method Ascending is well selected
Click on save button Successful update message is displayed
Click on the button View my shop > Go to all products page All products page is well displayed
Check that products are ordered by: ‘Product name - Ascending’
Go back to BO
Set products default order to: Product name Product name option is well selected
Set products default order method to Descending The default order method Descending is well selected
Click on save button Successful update message is displayed
Click on the button View my shop > Go to all products page All products page is well displayed
Check that products are ordered by: ‘Product name - Descending’
Go back to BO
Set products default order to Product price Product price option is well selected
Set products default order method to Ascending The default order method Ascending is well selected
Click on save button Successful update message is displayed
Click on the button View my shop > Go to all products page All products page is well displayed
Check that products are ordered by: ‘Product price - Ascending’
Go back to BO
Set products default order to Product price Product price option is well selected
Set products default order method to Descending The default order method Descending is well selected
Click on save button Successful update message is displayed
Click on the button View my shop > Go to all products page > check that products are ordered by: ‘Product price - Descending’
Go back to BO
set products default order to Position inside category Position inside category option is well selected
Set products default order method to Ascending The default order method Ascending is well selected
Click on save button Successful update message is displayed
Click on the button View my shop > go to all products page > check that products are ordered by: ‘Position inside category - Ascending’
Go to BO
Set products default order method to Ascending

set products default order to Product price
The default order method Ascending is well selected
Click on save button Successful update message is displayed