FO - Product Page - Product Quickview - Display of the product



Step Description Expected result
Go to FO The page of your shop should be displayed
Put your mouse over the product “The best is Yet to Come” The button “Quickview” should be displayed
Clic on the “Quickview” button You should have a modal with : 
* On the left : an enlarged image of the one selected on its right
* On the right, in this order, from top to bottom : the title, the price , the type of tax, the description, the combination, the Quantity with the number on a case with an up arrow and a down arrow on it right. the “Add to cart” button  on the right of the arrow. 
* On the bot : The share buttons and the word “Share” on the left. When you have no quantity of the product, the button “Notify me when available” on the right