Autoupgrade - STORYBOOK



Step Description Expected result
Install A fresh 8.1.5 You should have the selection of where in your shop you want to go ( BO or FO )
Go to the BO You should have your dashboard showed
Go to the Module Catalog" page" Module Catalog page is displayed correctly
Search for the 1-click Install" module. Install it" Module is correctly installed
Go to your folder [yourshopname_folder] > module > Autoupgrade > Storybook You should have many files and folder, one files named can help you
* Open a terminal on this folder
* Launch the command “docker run -u 1001:1001 –rm –interactive –tty -v “$PWD”/../:/app -w /app/storybook composer install”
* Launch the command “docker compose run storybook-js npm install”
* Launch the command “docker compose up”
* You should be on the folder autoupgrade/storybook
* a docker compose install should be displayed 
* The npm install should be ended
* Now your docker server is set up
Go to http://localhost:6006 Storybook should be displayed
* Click on the UpgradeChecklist and on the default 
* You can click on the pencil 
* Clic on the version
* You should see the Pre-upgrade Checklist 
* You should see the different version that you can view the BO 
* You should see the PRE-upgrade Checklist on version
* Set All the switch button to True 
* Put “maxExecutionTime” to 1 and “phpRequirementsState” to 2
* All the check should have a red cross except  “PHP’s “allow_url_fopen” option is turned on, or cURL is installed” should be a warning 
and “PHP’s max_execution_time setting has a high value or is disabled entirely (current value: unlimited) " should be green 
* You should have a warning on " PHP’s max_execution_time setting has a high value or is disabled entirely (current value: 1 seconds) " and on “We were unable to check your PHP compatibility with the destination PrestaShop version. "
* Click on the planet 
* Clic on Czech
* You should se all the different languages supported on the storybook 
* Your Pre-Upgrade Checklist should be in Czech
* Click on the planet 
* Clic on German
* You should se all the different languages supported on the storybook 
* Your Pre-Upgrade Checklist should be in German
* Click on the planet 
* Clic on English
* You should se all the different languages supported on the storybook 
* Your Pre-Upgrade Checklist should be in English
* Click on the planet 
* Clic on Spanish
* You should se all the different languages supported on the storybook 
* Your Pre-Upgrade Checklist should be in Spanish
* Click on the planet 
* Clic on French
* You should se all the different languages supported on the storybook 
* Your Pre-Upgrade Checklist should be in French
* Click on the planet 
* Clic on Italian
* You should se all the different languages supported on the storybook 
* Your Pre-Upgrade Checklist should be in Italian
* Click on the planet 
* Clic on Dutch
* You should se all the different languages supported on the storybook 
* Your Pre-Upgrade Checklist should be in Dutch
* Click on the planet 
* Clic on Polish
* You should se all the different languages supported on the storybook 
* Your Pre-Upgrade Checklist should be in Polish
* Click on the planet 
* Clic on Portugueze
* You should se all the different languages supported on the storybook 
* Your Pre-Upgrade Checklist should be in Portugueze
* Click on the planet 
* Clic on Russian
* You should se all the different languages supported on the storybook 
* Your Pre-Upgrade Checklist should be in Russian