Wishlist module - Share a list



Step Description Expected result
Go to FO > Click on “Sign in” button > Fill the form > Click on “Sign in” button * “Log in to your account” page is displayed
* You are logged in
* Homepage is displayed
Click on your username in header of the shop > Click on “My wishlists” tab on your account “My wishlists” page is displayed with:
* “Create a new list” link on the right
* The list of all your wishlits
* A share icon for the default list
Click on the “share” icon for the default list" The “Share wishlist” modal is displayed correctly with:
* Title: “Share wishlist”
* Cross on top right to cancel
* A “Share link” label and the link of sharing wishlist on the field
* 2 buttons: “Cancel” & “Copy text”
Click on “Cancel” button or the cross on top right * The modal is removed
* “My wishlists” page is displayed
Click on the “share” icon for the default list" The “Share wishlist” modal is displayed correctly with:
* Title: “Share wishlist”
* Cross on top right to cancel
* A “Share link” label and the link of sharing wishlist on the field
* 2 buttons: “Cancel” & “Copy text”
Click on the “Copy text” button. * A successful message “Share link copied!” is displayed
* The list of all your wishlits is displayed
Click on the “Create a new list” link The “Create wishlist” modal is displayed correctly with:
* Title: “Create wishlist”
* Cross on top right to cancel
* A “Wishlist name” label and empty field
* 2 buttons: “Cancel” & “Create wishlist”
Click on “Cancel” button or the cross on top right * The modal is removed
* “My wishlists” page is displayed
Click on the “Create a new list” link The “Create wishlist” modal is displayed correctly with:
* Title: “Create wishlist”
* Cross on top right to cancel
* A “Wishlist name” label and empty field
* 2 buttons: “Cancel” & “Create wishlist”
Set a new name > Click on “Create wishlist” button * A successful message “The list has been properly created” is displayed
* “My wishlists” page is displayed correctly with the new wishlist added to the list and new buttons:
** 3 dots
** “Trash” icon
Click on the 3 dots of the custom list * A small popin appears.
* You can select either “Rename” or “Share”
Click on the “Share” option The “Share wishlist” modal is displayed correctly with:
* Title: “Share wishlist”
* Cross on top right to cancel
* A “Share link” label and the link of sharing wishlist on the field
* 2 buttons: “Cancel” & “Copy text”
Click on “Cancel” button or the cross on top right * The modal is removed
* “My wishlists” page is displayed
Click on the 3 dots of the custom list * A small popin appears.
* You can select either “Rename” or “Share”
Click on the “Share” option The “Share wishlist” modal is displayed correctly with:
* Title: “Share wishlist”
* Cross on top right to cancel
* A “Share link” label and the link of sharing wishlist on the field
* 2 buttons: “Cancel” & “Copy text”
Click on the “Copy text” button. * A successful message “Share link copied!” is displayed
* The list of all your wishlits is displayed
Go to the share URL you previously saved * You are redirected to the content of the wishlist.
* If not a “No products found” message is displayed
* If you have products on it, all products are present.
* You can:
** edit them
** delete them
** add them to cart
** go to their product page details
Log out of your customer account > Go to the share URL you previously saved * You are redirected to the content of the wishlist.
* If not a “No products found” message is displayed
* If you have products on it, all products are present.
* You can’t:
** edit them
** delete theme
* You can:
** add them to cart
** go to their product page details