BO - Payments - Preferences - Edit Country restrictions



Step Description Expected result
Go to BO > Payment > Preferences > Block Country restrictions Country restrictions block is displayed

See France is available and checked for all payment

See United States is available and unchecked for all payment
Go to FO > Sign in You’re logged
Add product to cart > Proceed to checkout Addresses displayed
Choose France Adresse and go to step 3 Shipping method displayed
Choose My carrier and go to step 4 Payment method displayed

Pay by Check displayed

Pay by Cash on Delivery displayed

Pay by bank wire displayed
Go to BO > Payment > Preferences > Block Country restrictions Country restrictions block is displayed

See France and United States is available and not checked
Uncheck Bank transfer and Cash on delivery for France and save Successful update
Refresh the FO Only Pay by Check displayed
On Step 2, change addresse for United States and go to step 4 Unfortunately, there is no payment method available.