Step Description | Expected result |
In BO, Go to Advanced Parameters > Authorization Server | Authorization Server Page is displayed correctly. No records found in the table |
Click on the button “Add new API access” | New API access Page is displayed correctly |
* Fill the form with following data * Click on “Generate client secret & Save” button |
* The message “The API access and Client secret has been generated sucessfully” is displayed * The message “Client secret: " is displayed |
Return to BO > Advanced Parameters > Authorization Server and get the ID of the first row | Authorization Server Page is displayed correctly. 1 record found in the table |
Request with method GET the endpoint “https://[url of your shop]/admin-dev/index.php/api/products” | The return value is in JSON. The return data has multiples keys : “totalItems”, “sortOrder”, “limit”, “filters”, “items” The key “items” has multiples values. Each value has multiples keys : “langId”, “name”, “isoCode”, “languageCode”, “locale”, “dateFormat”, “dateTimeFormat”, “isRtl”, “active” |
In BO, Go to International > Localization | Localization Page is displayed correctly. |
Click on tab Languages | Languages Tab is displayed correctly |
Reset all filters of Languages table | All filters are reset. All Languages are displayed. |
Loop on each item of the key items of the JSON Response | |
Filter on the language ID for a specific language | 1 record found. Check that the JSON Response has the same data in the BackOffice : * langId * name * isoCode * languageCode * locale * dateFormat * dateTimeFormat * active Go to the Edit page Check that the JSON Response has the same data in the BackOffice : * isRtl Return to the Tab Languages |
In BO, Go to Advanced Parameters > Authorization Server | Authorization Server Page is displayed correctly. 1 record found in the table |
On the first row, click on the button “Three points” | The dropdown is displayed |
Click on the Delete Button in the dropdown | A modal appeared |
Click on the Confirm Button in the modal | The message “Successful deletion” is displayed No records found in the table |