Autoupgrade - Verify the experimented featured



Step Description Expected result
Install A fresh 8.1.5 You should have the selection of where in your shop you want to go ( BO or FO )
Go to the BO You should have your dashboard showed
Go to the Module Catalog" page" Module Catalog page is displayed correctly
Search for the 1-click Install" module. Install it" Module is correctly installed
Go to the General Parameters > Maintenance" page. Put the shop in maintenance mode" Maintenance page is displayed correctly. Maintenance mode is activated
Set your “Maintenance IP” by clicking the button “+ Add my IP” and clic on “Save” button Your IP should be setted on the field and you will have the green notification
* Go to the 1-Click Upgrade page
* On Expert mode part, select the “Local archive” and click on “Save” button
* You should see the configuration page of the module 
* You should have a blue notification with “You need to enter the version number associated with the archive.”
* Put a develop zip and xml on [yourshop]/admin-dev/autoupgrade/download (you can find the last develop on [] 
* Click on save button
* You should have a blue notification with “Configuration successfully updated. This page will now be reloaded and the module will check if a new version is available.” 
* You should have the version “N/A” next to “Latest official version for archive channel :”
Launch upgrade Upgrade is launched
Refresh the page. Check logged in status User is logged out
Go to the BO login page. Log in with admin user. Check shop version Admin user is connected. Version is upgraded
Go to the General Parameters > Maintenance" page. Put the shop out of maintenance mode" Maintenance page is displayed correctly. Maintenance mode is deactivated
Go to the FO homepage Home page is displayed correctly
Go to New &  Experimental Features on BO * You should have 13 different features 
* The Product page shouldn’t be there
Search for Authorization server feature The feature Authorization server should be enabled