BO - International - Localization - Currencies - Filter & sort & pagination



Step Description Expected result
Go to BO > International > Localization Localization page is displayed
title contains : Localization
Go to Currencies tab Currencies page is displayed
title contains : Currencies
Filter by ID 
Type the data in Search ID field  > click on Search button
number of currencies = 1
Value in table contains EUR

Search button is disabled

Reset button is enabled
Click on Reset button number of currencies is back to initial value

All available currencies are well displayed 
Reset button disappears

Search button is displayed and disabled
Filter by Currency
Type the data in Currency field  > click on Search button
number of currencies = 1
Value in table contains EUR

Search button is disabled

Reset button is enabled
Click on Reset button number of currencies is back to initial value

All available currencies are well displayed 
Reset button disappears

Search button is displayed and disabled
Filter by Symbol
Type the data in Symbol field  > click on Search button
number of currencies = 1
Value in table contains EUR

Search button is disabled

Reset button is enabled
Click on Reset button number of currencies is back to initial value

All available currencies are well displayed 
Reset button disappears

Search button is displayed and disabled
Filter by ISO code
Type the data in ISO code field  > click on Search button
number of currencies = 1
Value in table contains EUR

Search button is disabled

Reset button is enabled
Click on Reset button number of currencies is back to initial value

All available currencies are well displayed 
Reset button disappears

Search button is displayed and disabled
Filter by Enabled
Click on dropdown list under Enabled tab
A drop down list is displayed with three values :
* All (default)
* Yes
* No
Select value in dropdown list > click on Search button All enabled currencies are well displayed
Click on Reset button number of currencies is back to initial value

All available currencies are well displayed 
Reset button disappears

Search button is displayed and disabled
Enabled Field = All
Select value in dropdown list > click on Search button All disabled currencies are well displayed
Click on Reset button number of currencies is back to initial value

All available currencies are well displayed 
Reset button disappears

Search button is displayed and disabled
Enabled Field = All
Click on Add a new currency button > Choose “Mozambican Metical (MZN)” > Save Successful creation message is displayed
Sort by ID DESC List is displayed in descending order
Sort by ID ASC List is displayed in ascending order
Sort by ISO Code ASC List is displayed in ascending order by ISO Code
Sort by ISO Code DESC List is displayed in descending order by ISO Code
Sort by Exchange rate ASC List is displayed in ascending order by Exchange rate
Sort by Exchange rate DESC List is displayed in descending order by Exchange rate
Disable Mozambican Metical The status has been successfully updated. message is displayed
Sort by Enable DESC List is displayed in descending order by Enable
Sort by Enable ASC List is displayed in ascending order by Enable
Add 10 more currencies Successful creation
Pagination is displayed
Choose Items per page : 10 2 pages are available
Go to page 2 See 2 currencies are displayed
Choose Items per page : 100 All currencies are displayed on 1 page