BO - Onboarding



Step Description Expected result
After first login, check that “OnBoarding” popup is displayed Modal has got:
* Images and background image
* Title: “Welcome to your shop!"
* Description: “Hi! My name is Preston and I’m here to show you around.You will discover a few essential steps before you can launch your shop: Create your first product, customize your shop, configure shipping and payments… Let’s get started!"

* 2 buttons: “Later” & “Start”
Click on “Later” button or the cross on top right * Modal is closed
* A reminder is displayed on bottom left of the menu
Click on “Resume” button at the bottom of the left menu Modal is re-opened with same informations
Click on “Start” button * “Start” button is loading
* First step of “Onboarding” is displayed on product page
Follow the steps of the onboarding by clicking on “Next” button (5 main steps à the bottom dispatched with 10 small steps) * All steps are OK
* Another modal is opened at the end with:
** Title: “Over to you!"
** Description: “You’ve seen the essential, but there’s a lot more to explore.
Some resources can help you go further:"
** 4 links tab:
*** “Starter Guide”: []
*** “Forum”: []
*** “Training”: []
*** “Video tutorial”: []
** 1 button: “I’m ready”
Click on “I’m ready’ button or the cross on top right Onboarding is removed and done