Autoupgrade - Verification during the upgrade



Step Description Expected result
Install A fresh 8.1.5 You should have the selection of where in your shop you want to go ( BO or FO )
Go to the BO You should have your dashboard showed
Go to the Module Catalog" page" Module Catalog page is displayed correctly
Search for the 1-click Install" module. Install it" Module is correctly installed
Go to the General Parameters > Maintenance" page. Put the shop in maintenance mode" Maintenance page is displayed correctly. Maintenance mode is activated
Set your “Maintenance IP” by clicking the button “+ Add my IP” and clic on “Save” button Your IP should be setted on the field and you will have the green notification
* Go to the 1-Click Upgrade page * You should see the configuration page of the module
Launch upgrade * Upgrade is launched
* you shouldn’t have the rollback option durring the installation
* During the installation, do a right click to click on inspect
* Clic on Network 
* Click on a Post
* Click on Response on the Right 
* In the “Filter properties”, put “progressPercentage” and click on the arrow next to “Next param …”
* You should see all the different section of the website
* You should see the different Post/Get In real time 
* On the right you should see the Headers displayed
* You should see all the different information send on the POST 
* You should see a parameters name : “progressPercentage” with a integer next to it
Clic on another POST You should see another progressPercentage. If the Post is on top of the previous, it should be lower. If it’s lower than the previous one, it should be higher
Close the inspect mode You should see your upgrade with a higher resolution
Wait until the upgrade of modules * When it’s the turn of modules, they should be cutted in /x different part of upgrade where x is the different part they need to upgrade
* After the upgrade of module, You should have the green notification for the end of the upgrade