POST /admin-api/product/image/{imageId}



Step Description Expected result
In BO, Go to Advanced Parameters > Authorization Server Authorization Server Page is displayed correctly.
No records found in the table
Click on the button “Add new API access” New API access Page is displayed correctly
* Fill the form with following data
* Click on “Generate client secret & Save” button
* The message “The API access and Client secret has been generated sucessfully” is displayed
* The message “Client secret: " is displayed
Return to BO > Advanced Parameters > Authorization Server and get the ID of the first row Authorization Server Page is displayed correctly.
1 record found in the table
In BO, Go to Catalog > Products Products Page is displayed correctly.
Reset all filters of Products table All filters are reset.
All Products are displayed.
Filter on the product name for a specific product and fetch the product ID. 1 record found.
Click on the Edit icon button The Product Edit Page is displayed
Add one image to product > Select one product > Use as cover image > Add a caption in French & in English > Save image settings & Fetch the image ID Alert Settings updated is displayed
Request with method POST the endpoint “https://[url of your shop]/admin-api/product/image/{imageId} " where {imageId} is the imageId ID get The HTTP Code is 201.

The return value is in JSON.

The return data has multiples keys : “imageId”, “imageUrl”, “thumbnailUrl”, “legends”, “cover”, “position”, “shopIds”
Reload the Edit Product page The Edit page will be displayed correctly

There is one image

The return data keys are consistent relative to BackOffice data.
Click on the three points on the bottom page and Click on Delete A modal with title “Permanently delete this product?” appeared
Click on “Delete” button A successful message “Successful deletion” is displayed.
In BO, Go to Advanced Parameters > Authorization Server Authorization Server Page is displayed correctly.
1 record found in the table
On the first row, click on the button “Three points” The dropdown is displayed
Click on the Delete Button in the dropdown A modal appeared
Click on the Confirm Button in the modal The message “Successful deletion” is displayed
No records found in the table