BO - Shipping - Carriers - Size and weight



Step Description Expected result
Go to BO > Shipping > Carriers Carriers page diplayed
Click on Add new carrier A new page is well displayed.
Logo is displayed

4 tabs are displayed :
# General settings 
# Shipping locations and costs 
# Size, weight, and group access
# Summary
Fill the blank of the first tab “General settings” > Click on Next The data is saved
You are now on Tab 2 : Shipping locations and costs
Fill the blank of the second tab “Shipping locations and costs” > Click on Next The data is saved

You are now on Tab 3 : Size, weight, and group access
Fill the blanks of the third tab “Size weight and group access” > Click on Finish A green alert “Successful creation” is displayed
The new carrier test is displayed on the list
BO > Catalog > Products > Add new product > Standard product > Add new product > Fill the form > Save Successful creation
Click on 3-dot button in footer > Preview > Add the product to cart > Proceed to checkout > Proceed to checkout > Fill in Step 1 and 2 > Continue to Shipping In Step 3, carrier test is displayed
Go back to cart > Modify quantity > Proceed to checkout until Shipping Tab Carrier is not longer displayed
Go back to BO > Catalog > Products > Edit the test product carrier > In Shipping tab > Save and publish Successful update
Refresh the cart in FO Carrier test is no longer displayed
Delete carrier test Successful deletion
Delete test product carrier Successful deletion