BO - International - Localization - Currencies - Edit official and unofficial currency



Step Description Expected result
Go to International > Localization page Localization page is displayed
title contains : Localization
Go to Currencies tab Currencies page is displayed
title contains : Currencies
Filter by ISO code of currency > click on Search button number of currencies = 1
Value in table contains EUR

Search button is disabled

Reset button is enabled
Click on Edit icon A new currencies page is displayed
Two sections in this new page : Currencies and Language
Go to Currencies section >  Edit values on the form > Click Save button This message is displayed : “Successful update”
The Currency name is updated : New name + “(Edited)”
Click on Edit icon A new currencies page is displayed
Two sections in this new page : Currencies and Language
Go to Language section > Click on Edit symbol button in front of English language A modal is displayed with title: “Customize symbol and format + English(English)”
Add new values > Click on Apply button The modal disappears

The values in Language section for English language are updated
Click on Save button New currency page is displayed

This message is displayed : “Successful update”

The Symbol in currencies table is updated
Go to FO > click on currency dropdown menu The Euro symbol is updated (£)