BO - Orders - Shopping carts - Filter table



Step Description Expected result
Go to BO > Orders > Shopping cart page The Shopping cart page page is displayed
Reset all filters and get the number of shopping carts The shopping carts number > 0
Change the pagination to 300 items per page The pagination is changed, one page is displayed
Filter shopping carts by ID Number of shopping carts < Total of shopping carts
The shopping cart id result is equal to the searched ID
Reset all filters Number of shopping carts = Total of shopping carts
Filter shopping carts by ID order Number of shopping carts < Total of shopping carts
The shopping cart id_order result is equal to the searched ID_Order
Reset all filters Number of shopping carts = Total of shopping carts
Filter Shopping carts by Customer Number of shopping carts < Total of shopping carts
All shopping carts customer contains the searched customer
Reset all filters Number of shopping carts = Total of shopping carts
Filter Shopping carts by Carrier Number of shopping carts < Total of shopping carts
All shopping carts carrier contains the searched carrier
Reset all filters Number of shopping carts = Total of shopping carts
Filter shopping carts by Date Number of shopping carts < Total of shopping carts
All shopping carts date between the searched date
Reset all filters Number of shopping carts = Total of shopping carts
Filter Shopping carts by Online Number of shopping carts < Total of shopping carts
All shopping carts status (online: yes/No) contains the searched status
Reset all filters Number of shopping carts = Total of shopping carts