FO - Product Page - Display tag products (New, On sale, Pack…)



Step Description Expected result
Go to BO > Catalog > Product You should have all your product displayed on the BO
* Clic on “Add new product”
* Clic on “Pack of product”
* Clic on “Add new product”
* A modal should be displayed to choose the correct type of product 
* The description of the product’s type change
* The product configuration page should be displayed
* Set up the Product name 
* Clic on the switch next to “Offline”
* Your product name shouldn’t be blanck 
* The switch should set to “Online”
* Go to “Options” tab
* Clic on the switch button under “Web only (not sold in your retail store)”
* The option tab should be displayed
* the switch button should be changed into Yes
Clic on “Save” You should be on the product page with the green notification “Successful update”
Go to FO You shop should be displayed
* On “popular product”, Clic on “All products >"
* Clic on “Next >”
* The first page of all your product should be displayed with the faceted search on the left 
* You should be in the second page of the product
* The product “Test” should have the label “New”,“Pack”, “Out-of-stock” and “online only” on it
Clic on “Test” product The product page should be displayed with the three label on the top left of the image and “online only” on the bottom-right