Edit and delete products in a list



Step Description Expected result
Go to the customer wishlist page Wishlists are displayed. The number associated (in brackets) represents the number of unique items in a list
Select the custom wishlist You get all the products added in the previous test
Click on the garbage can for the single product with stock A modal appears asking you to confirm the deletion
Confirm the deletion The product is removed from the list
Click on the picture of the single product without stock You are redirected to the product page. The heart is filled
Click on the heart The heart is empty
Go back to the wishlist The product is removed from the list
Click on the pencil icon on a combination product You are redirected to the product page. You are on the correct combination. The heart is filled
Select another combination. Click on the heart. Select the custom wishlist The heart fills for this combination
Switch to the old combination The heart is empty
Go to the wishlist page There is only the last combination selected for the product (switching combination replaced the selected combination for this product)
Browse through the catalog. Open a single simple product page.Add the product to the custom wishlist with a quantity of 5. Go to the custom wishlist in your customer page The product is in the custom wishlist
Click on the pencil. Change the quantity to 3 The heart empties
Click on the heart. Select the custom wishlist The heart fills
Go to the custom wishlist in your customer page The product is now saved with a quantity of 3 only