FO - Product Page - Display "On sale" label



Step Description Expected result
Go to BO > Catalog > Product You should have all your product displayed on the BO
* Clic on “Add new product”
* Clic on “Add new product”
* A modal should be displayed to choose the correct type of product 
* The product configuration page should be displayed
* Set up the Product name 
* Clic on the switch next to “Offline”
* Your product name shouldn’t be blanck 
* The switch should set to “Online”
* Go to “Pricing” tab
* Click  on the checkboxe “Display the “On sale!” flag on the product page, and on product listings”
* You should have your pricing tab displayed
* The checkboxe shoudl be checked
Clic on “Save” You should be on the product page with the green notification “Successful update”
Go to FO You shop should be displayed
* On “popular product”, Clic on “All products >"
* Clic on “Next >”
* The first page of all your product should be displayed with the faceted search on the left 
* You should be in the second page of the product
* The product “Test” should have the label “On Sale!”,“New” and “Out-of-stock” on it
Clic on “Test” product The product page should be displayed with
* the label “ON SALE!” that take all the top of the image product 
* the two other label on top left of the image