BO - Shipping - Carriers - General Settings



Step Description Expected result
Go to BO > Shipping > Carriers Carriers page diplayed
Add new carrier New carrier page displayed
Fill the form > Save each tab > Finish Successful creation

Carriers page displayed
Click on View my store FO is displayed
Add to cart The best is yet to come’ Framed poster > Proceed to checkout > Proceed to checkout Personal information is displayed
Sign in Addresses tab displayed
Select “Mon adresse” > Continue Shipping method tab with 2 carriers is displayed
On BO > Edit the carrier “Test_general” > Click Summary > Finish Successful update message is displayed
Refresh the FO Test_general carrier is displayed
On BO > Edit the carrier “Test_general” > Finish Successful update message is displayed
Refresh the FO Test_general2 displayed

Name : test_general2

Transit time : 1 days

Logo : another file
On BO > Edit the carrier “Test_general2” > Tab Size, weight, and group access > Uncheck Visitor and Customer > FInish Successful update message is displayed
Refresh the FO Test_general2 is no longer displayed
Click Personal information tab > Log out Cart is empty
Add to cart The best is yet to come’ Framed poster > Proceed to checkout > Proceed to checkout Personal information tab is displayed
Order as guest Addresses page displayed
Fill form > Continue Test_General2 carrier is displayed
Place order Your order is confirmed