Autoupgrade - Verification before the upgrade



Step Description Expected result
Install A fresh 8.1.5 You should have the selection of where in your shop you want to go ( BO or FO )
Go to the BO You should have your dashboard showed
Go to the Module Catalog" page" Module Catalog page is displayed correctly
Search for the 1-click Install" module. Install it" Module is correctly installed
Go to the General Parameters > Maintenance" page. Put the shop in maintenance mode" Maintenance page is displayed correctly. Maintenance mode is activated
Set your “Maintenance IP” by clicking the button “+ Add my IP” and clic on “Save” button Your IP should be setted on the field and you will have the green notification
* Go to the 1-Click Upgrade page * You should see the configuration page of the module
Go to your folder [yourshopname_folder] > module > Autoupgrade > Upgrade Some files should be named upgrade […].php instead of install[…].php
* Go to your folder [yourshopname_folder] > module > Autoupgrade > classes > Task > Upgrade > Download.php
* At line 49, in “public function run”, put “throw new Exception(“Brique”);” and save the folder
* You should see the diffenrent fonction in this php files
* The files should be saved
Launch upgrade * Upgrade is launched
* you shouldn’t have the rollback option durring the installation
* at the “Step download”, you should have an exception
* Click on 1-click Upgrade 
* Click on “Leave the page”
* A modal should appear to ask if you really want to leave the page 
* You should be redirected to 1-Click Upgrade
Return at the Download.php files and replace “throw new Exception(“Brique”);” by “exit(0);” and save The files should be saved
Launch upgrade * Upgrade is launched
* you shouldn’t have the rollback option durring the installation
* You quickly have an error that showed : “Javascript error (parseJSON) detected for action [download].”
* Click on 1-click Upgrade 
* Click on “Leave the page”
* A modal should appear to ask if you really want to leave the page 
* You should be redirected to 1-Click Upgrade
Return at the Download.php files and replace “exit(0);” by “while(true) {}” and save The file should be saved
Launch upgrade * Upgrade is launched
* you shouldn’t have the rollback option durring the installation
* After a long time, you should have “[INTERNAL] var/www/html/pr_autoup/modules/autoupgrade/classes/Task/Upgrade/Download.php line 49 - Maximum execution time of x seconds exceeded " where x is your maximum execution time
* Click on 1-click Upgrade 
* Click on “Leave the page”
* A modal should appear to ask if you really want to leave the page 
* You should be redirected to 1-Click Upgrade
Return at the Download.php files and delete “while(true) {}” and save The file should be saved
* Go to your [admin_folder_name] 
* open a terminal in this folder
* On the terminal, launch “sudo chmod 000 autoupgrade”
* You should have “backup”, “autoupgrade”, “export”, “filemanager” and “import” “public” and"theme” folder 
* A new terminal appears ! 
* you should have a new line to enter
* Reload the autoupgrade page
* Enable the debug mode
* Preston should say that there is an issue
* You should have a red exception with “Cannot write to the directory. Please ensure you have the necessary write permissions on “/var/www/html/pr_autoup/admin-dev/autoupgrade”.”
* Return on your terminal and launch “sudo chmod 777 autoupgrade”
* Return on the autoupgrade page
* You should have a new line to enter
* Your autoupgrade page is displayed correctly