Wishlist native module functional specifications
Feature 1: Add to favorites
US 1: Add a product to a favorites list
As a logged-in user, I can add a product to my favorites from the product sheet or any other product listing page with product blocks in a favorites list
Several cases:
- Connected users
- Non-logged-in users
- Products with combinations & customizations
Functional rules:
What type of users can add products to their favorites?
Only logged-in users can add a product to their favorites - provided that they click on the heart icon on the product page or product block from a navigation page.
Which products can be added to favorites?
All products can be added as favorites:
- Products in and out of stock
- Standard products
- Products with combinations
- Product packs
- Virtual products
- Customizable products (text or file)
What product information do I need to retrieve for favorites?
All product information:
- Price excl. VAT or incl. VAT + special offers,
- Photos,
- Quantity (selected by the customer),
- Combinations,
- Customization (if the product can be customized).
Product information (stocks, prices, etc.) is variable and must be updated each time the Favorites page is loaded.
Rules for quantities when adding to favorites:
- If the user chooses a quantity > 1, the product added in favorites has the same quantity as the one on the product sheet.
- By default, the product is added to the favorites singly. If the product can only be purchased with a minimum of X units, then the product is added to the favorites with its minimum quantity.
- If the product is out of stock (stock = 0 ou stock < 0) with denying order option: it is saved in favorites with 1 product quantity but the product block is disabled and the visitor cannot add the product to the cart.
Products with combinations:
- When a user adds a product from a listing page (where he/she cannot select any combination), the product added to the wishlist is the “default” product combination. That is, the product is added with its default combination and quantity.
- If the user selects a combination from the product page, then this combination is added and not the “default” product combination.
Customizable products:
- Whether the user has filled his customization or not, when he adds a customizable product to his favorites, it is saved without the customization.
- If the product requires customization, then the user will not be able to add this product to cart without going back to the product page (see US Add to cart) > he will have to click on the CTA ‘Customize in order’ to be redirected to the product page, fill in the customization, and add it to cart.
Since the customization is not registered in the wishlist, it will not be possible to add the same product twice but with different customizations. The product only appears once in the wishlist.
Logged-in users:
For a logged-in user, clicking on the heart icon displays an in-page pop-up that offers the option to add this product to:
- the default favorites list,
- a previously created list (if the user does not have created lists previously, the default list is displayed - see below > the pop-up has a min. size),
- a new list that can be created by clicking ‘Create New wishlist’.
The user can only select one list, so the product can be added to only one list.
What happens in each case?
- When no list has already been created: the logged-in user can add the item(s) to the default favorites list or create a new list.
- When at least one list has been created: the logged-in user can add the item(s) to the default favorites list, one of the existing lists, or create a new list.
- When more than X lists have been created: the logged-in user can scroll down to see all the lists created.
Users can create as many lists as they want.
The heart icon turns full once the product added to a favorites list.
Heart icon for combinations: in the listing pages, the heart will not be full if the default combination is not selected.
If the user clicks on the full heart again, the product is removed from the wishlist. And if the product is deleted by the seller meanwhile, it should no longer appear in the user’s favorites lists.
Non-logged-in users:
For a non-logged-in user: clicking on the heart icon displays an in-page pop-up that informs he/she must log in to proceed.
When clicking on “Sign in”, the user is redirected to the login page. Once the connection is made, the user is redirected to his/her product or listing page.
Special login features:
- add a go-back setting to the URL so that, once the user is logged in, he/she can be redirected to the page he/she was on (any page)
- the user is then asked to select the favorites list in which he/she wants to save the product
US 2: View my favorite products
As a logged-in user, I can view and sort my favorite products
Functional rules:
What type of users can add products to their favorites?
Logged-in users only.
For non-logged-in users:
As a non-logged-in user, I cannot access my favorite products.
For logged-in users:
As a logged-in user, I can access my favorite products by:
Going to my account
Clicking on “Wishlists”
I arrive on the page with all my favorites lists (default one + created lists)
Selecting one of these lists brings me to a new page that lists my previously added favorite products
I can know how many favorites a list contains: the number is indicated in brackets next to the list name.
This means that it accounts for all the idproduct allocated
For example, if there are 3 combinations of the same product it counts as 3 products.
In the case of a product pack, this counts as 1 pack and not the number of products in the pack
I can view the products and I can sort them as follows:
- Last added (default sorting)
- Price highest to lowest
- Price lowest to highest
In all three cases, keep the discount price in mind
Please note that if a product is deleted or deactivated from the catalog, the product automatically disappears from the list.
For each product, you have to go back to the information listed in US n°1.
As a logged-in user, I can see how many unique favorite products are in a list.
What type of users can add products to their favorites?
Only logged-in users, since the Favorites list is displayed in My Account.
US 3: Edit and/or delete a favorite product
As a logged-in user, I can edit and/or delete a favorite product
Different cases:
- Products in stock
- Products out of stock
- From the product sheet
- From a favorites list
Functional rules:
I can modify the quantity, the combinations, and the customizations of all my favorites (in stock and out of stock) by clicking on the pencil icon.
When I click on the pencil icon, I am redirected to the product page to make my modifications. Once the changes are made, I just need to click on the heart icon to add this new product as a favorite. The new quantity, combination and/or customization overwrites the original favorite in the list.
I can permanently remove a favorite product from the list by clicking on remove and a pop-up appears confirming that the product has been removed from the list.
Products with several options:
- If I delete my product from a product page, the product with combinations X and quantity Y will be removed.
- If I delete my product from a listing page (where there are no combination options), it removes only the product with the default combination - if it ever was added. If I have added any combination that is not the default one, then the product block in the listing does not display the full heart icon. It is full only if I have added the product with its default combination.
Example: I did not add the product with the default combination to my favorites list
For instance, I have a tee-shirt in the following combinations:
- Red (default combination)
- Black
- White
I add the black and the white combinations to my favorites. Both products cannot be removed from the listing page since the heart icon is empty.
US 4: Add a favorite product to the cart
Specific case:
- customized products cannot be added directly to the cart from the list of favorite products
Functional rules:
A logged-in user can add one of their favorites to the cart (except customized products) if the product is in stock or out of stock but with the allow order option checked), by clicking on Add to cart.
If the product is out of stock with the option “Deny order” and therefore cannot be added to the cart:
- a message is displayed informing the user that the product is no longer available: “Product out of stock”.
- the “Add to cart” CTA is disabled and the product cannot be added to the cart
If the “order out of stock products” option is denied and if the selected combination is out of stock and if there are other available combinations (in stock or out of stock with allowed order) for the same product:
- a message tells the user that the product is available in other options “Product available with different options”
- the product image and the Add to cart CTA are disabled
For a customized product :
- If the customization is required and as the customization is always not defined (since it is impossible to save the customization as a wishlist), the user will not be able to add this product to the cart directly from the favorites list. The “Add to cart” CTA is replaced by “Customize”. When clicking on the CTA, the user is redirected to the product sheet in order to customize the product, and if it is already filled in, they can add this product to the cart.
- If the customization is not required, the product can be added to the cart directly.
Only non-customized products, with stock or out of stock with allow order option, can be added to the cart. If the product is out of stock and if the “order out of stock products” option is denied, the user will not be able to add it to the shopping cart, as it is currently the case in the PrestaShop Core.
Specific case: Let’s say the “order out of stock products” option is denied and there are 2 products left in stock. I add 2 products as my favorites and continue shopping. Meanwhile, the 2 products are ordered by another customer.
Stock for those 2 products is now 0 but I stayed on my favorite page and did not refresh the page, so the add to cart button is still enabled.
If I click the add to cart button, the 2 products are added to the cart but when I go on the cart details page, an error message is displayed, “The product is no longer available in this quantity.”.
Feature 2: Storing favorites - Create and manage your favorites lists
US 5: Create a list
As a logged-in user, I can create a favorites list in the “Wishlists” area in My Account by clicking on “Create Favorites List”
Functional rules:
Who can benefit from this feature?
Only logged-in users can create a favorites list
- Click on New wishlist
- A pop-in appears with a text field to fill in the name of the desired list.
- Option to cancel a list creation
- Validate the creation by clicking on Create
Once the list has been created, it will appear at the bottom of the lists
As a logged-in user, I can create a favorites list from the product sheet or from any other product listing page with product blocks
Functional rules:
Steps for creating a list:
- Log in
- Click on the heart icon to add the product to your favorites
- A “box” is displayed with all the favorite lists.
- Click on “Create a new list”
- A pop-up appears with a field for the List Name to be created
- Click on “Create a new list” to validate the creation of the list (you can cancel if you decide that you do not wish to create a new list)
- The list is created, the pop-up disappears, and the product is directly added to the newly created list
US 6: Renaming/modifying/deleting a list
As a logged-in user, I can edit a favorites list that has been created, unless if it is the default favorites list.
Functional rules:
All lists except the default list can be edited
To modify/rename a list:
- Go to “My Account”
- Click on “My Favorites”
- The created lists will be displayed
- By clicking on the three small dots, a small box appears that allows you to:
a. Rename the list
b. Share the list
- Click on Rename
- A pop-up opens with a pre-filled text field with the title to be modified.
- A Rename CTA is used to validate the action and close the pop-up
- An “Cancel” CTA cancels the action and closes the pop-up
When a user changes the name of the list and clicks on Rename, the pop-up window disappears and an information message is displayed in their favorites list indicating that the new name has been taken into account (the growl message).
To delete a list, simply click on the recycle bin icon, a validation pop-up appears, once the action is confirmed, the list is deleted
When the user confirms that they want to delete the list, an info message is displayed to inform the user that the list has been successfully deleted.
For the default favorites list, the recycle bin icon and the three little dots are not displayed but only the share button, see below.
US 7: Share your list
As a logged-in user, I can obtain a link that allows me to share a list
Functional rules:
To share a list you need to:
- Go to “My Account”
- Click on “My Favorites”
- The created lists will be displayed
- By clicking on the three small dots, a small box appears that allows you to:
a. Rename the list
b. Share the list
- Click on “Share List”
- A pop-up with a share link will appear
- Click on “Copy link” to copy it (so we can close the pop-up window and share the link)
- Click “Cancel” to close the pop-up
a user who accesses the shared link cannot modify the products, they can only add them to their shopping cart (if enabled) > Read-only view
It is not an option in the module configuration.
Once a user has copied the link, the “Copy link” CTA changes to “Link copied” and the user can close the pop-up.
To share the default list, just click on the share icon. It should display the sharing link in a pop-up window.
As a user (logged in or not), I can open another user’s list via a special link
Functional rules:
A user does not need to be logged in to view the shared link > an “ephemeral” page is created with a product listing outside the users account, without the option to delete or modify the list > model need
Feature 3: Bookmarks - Back office
US 8: Set up the module and view statistics in back office
As a seller, I can modify the wording in back office
- Name of my Favorites section
- Title
- Create a list CTA
A multi-language field for each field allows to translate them
As a seller, I can view statistics regarding favorites in back office
available statistics:
Provide a cache for queries with calculations for large catalogs! (some sellers have more than 30,000 products)
Here are the caches you need, depending on the timing:
- All time & Year: 1 month cache
- Month: one week cache
- Day: one day cache
A “Refresh” CTA; when a user changes the timing, they will have to click on Refresh to update their data.
- A top 10 of the most bookmarked products over a given period (via the PREFIX_wishlist_product_basket table)
For each product, you should provide:
- Product image
- a clickable product title that refers the user to the product sheet in back office
- product reference
- Main category
- Price excl. VAT
- Quantity available
- a conversion rate (= the number of times the product has been purchased after being listed as a favorite)
You can display the results:
- for that day,
- for the current month
PS: as opposed to the model, no filter is needed for the year and “All time” because the loading time is too long
- Total number of created and active lists (still online)
- Retrieve customers’ favorites lists to put them in the customer page > update the layout
Multistore behavior
If the multistore feature is enabled and in the case of multi-shops in the same “default” group where the customers, the available quantity for sale and the orders are not shared:
- Wishlists will be different between stores in this group and will not be shared
- the statistics table in the back office will be different depending on if you are in shop A or shop B. It will not be a question of having global statistics including data from shop A and shop B.
If the multistore feature is enabled and in the case of multi-shops in the same group where the customers, the available quantity for sale and the orders are shared:
- even if there is a sharing of customers accounts and products quantity between the shops, the visitor will not share his wishlists: he will have specific wishlists according to the shop he is in.
- the statistics table in the back office will be different depending on if you are in shop A or shop B.