Add / Edit new SEO page

This UI represents the function of adding / editing a SEO & URL page, which is dedicated to Meta Tags section.

Top UI section

  • Multishop switcher - it is an ability to switch the available multistores while being on the current SEO editing page, and to view the shop Front-Office homepage by redirection.
  • Breadcrumbs, page title, Recommended modules and Help CTA’s - default Prestashop UI in the top position, helping administrators to improve the navigation - to view the current Title of the page, see the level of the navigation.
  • Tabs - there are 3 tabs in the Traffic & SEO section:
    • SEO & URLs - the current opened tab.
    • Search Engines
    • Referrers

Table UI section

  • Meta tags - table title.

  • Page name - required field - there is a dropdown selection, of available page names, that can be selected for SEO edition. Once the dropdown is clicked, a box is dropped-down with the list of page names, and the text input field, for searching the desired page name. If there are few letters typed, the search will show the appropriate results according to the input. The search result strings are generated from 2 segments divided with the dash “-” character:

    • Module name
    • Page name string There is an explanation placeholder Name of the related page. right below the input field. By default, the first page name pdf-invoice is automatically selected in this field.
  • Page title - by default this field is empty. A new page Title can be stored in this text field. The text can be stored in different languages, according to ones that are installed in the webshop. The language can be selected using the language dropdown, where all the available languages are listed. This input field has no character limit. There is a small description Title of this page. Invalid characters: <>={} right down the input field, indicating, what this field is used for and what characters should be used.

  • Meta description - by default this field is empty. A new Meta description can be stored in this text field. The text can be stored in different languages, according to ones that are installed in the webshop. The language can be selected using the language dropdown, where all the available languages are listed. This input field has no character limit. There is a small description A short description of your shop. Invalid characters: <>={} right down the input field, indicating, what this field is used for and what characters should be used.

  • Meta keywords - by default this field is empty. Only a placeholder Add tag is displayed in the input field. New Meta tags can be stored continuously, each separated by typing a single comma “,” character or just pressing Enter in the keyboard. The text can be stored in different languages, according to ones that are installed in the webshop. The language can be selected using the language dropdown, where all the available languages are listed. This input field has no character limit. There is a small description List of keywords for search engines. To add tags, click in the field, write something, and then press the “Enter” key. Invalid characters: <>={} right down the input field, indicating, what this field is used for and what characters should be used.

  • Rewritten URL - required field - by default this field is empty. The URL can be changed with a new URL for a specific Page name, so that the URL will be shown as rewritten in the URL path. The text can be stored in different languages, according to ones that are installed in the webshop. The language can be selected using the language dropdown, where all the available languages are listed. This input field has no character limit. There is a small description For instance, “contacts” for to redirect to Only letters and hyphens are allowed. right down the input field, indicating, what this field is used for and what characters should be used. Once, there is a mistake or invalid character typed in the URL, after the form submission, the user will be notified by the red-texted error below the Rewrite URL field - "{invalid text}" is invalid. - {showing the language, where the error is coming from}. When this field is left empty after submission, there is an red-texted error The field url_rewrite is required at least in your default language. prompted below the field.

  • Save CTA button - saves the configuration, that was created. After the page refreshes, there is a success notification Successful creation. in top of UI.

  • Cancel ghost CTA button - quits the configuration page and redirects it to the main SEO and URLs configuration page.

Multishop funcionality

There is a blue information message in the Top UI of the page, containing message You can only display the page list in a shop context., meaning, that the SEO URL edition can be done in All Shops context, but if there is a need to Edit the existing SEO URL, it can be Edited by switching the content to single shop context.