In this page firstly a text is presented: Search products (search by name, reference, supplier)
Below the text there is a search input field for the search, a button on the right: “Search” is displaed.
Below there is a drop-table with a placeholder “Advanced filters”, when pressed, a table below appears with the following:
Filter by supplier, this section had a search bar, and 2 check boxes. If any of the checkboxes are marked, only the products from those suppliers will be shown, also the selected check box appears as a text box that can be removed in the search bar. By default there are: “Fashion supplier” and “Accessories supplier”.
Filter by categories, this section has an option to expand, and collapse, when collapsed, has the following checkbox:
When expanded the following additional checkboxes appear: - Clothes - Men - Women - Accessories - Stationery - Home accessories - Art
When any of the checkboxes are pressed, below only the selected filtered categories are shown.
Firstly a checkbox is shown: Display products below low stock level first, when pressed, re-arranges the products so that the low stock products would be shown first.
On the right 2 buttons are presented:
On the left there ir a checkbox for “Bulk edit quantity”, when the checkbox is marked, all the products get marked. There is also an input for numbers that can be increased or decreased with arrows up and down.
When a number is entered in the field, if the number is entered, and the checkbox is marked, every product’s elow “Physical” and “Available” sections have an additional arrow appeared on the right of them with a new number, that the amount would be increased to. The number that will be increased depends on the “Bulk edit quantity” field entered number.
a button on the right can be clickable:
Below the products are listed, and the following rows are presented:
Picture and the name of the product is presented.
Reference of the product is displayed.
Supplier of the product.
Status if the product is enabled or disabled.
Number of the product quantity.
Quantity of reserved products.
Quantity of available products.
Input field for a number of quantity editing. Has 2 arrows for increasing and decreasing.