3 Sections are present in this page
2 Fields are present in this section:
This is a field for selecting a date for the invoice, when pressed a calendar appears for choosing the date. By default the current day is shown firstly in the field. Has a tooltip: “Format: 2011-12-31 (inclusive).”
This is a field for selecting a date for the invoice, when pressed a calendar appears for choosing the date. By default the current day is shown firstly in the field. Has a tooltip: “Format: 2011-12-31 (inclusive).”
This section has a list:
Below all the default order statuses are provided, the number count of the invoices for that order status. Every order status has a checkbox, by default none of them are selected, multiple ones can be selected.
12 Fields are present in this section:
This is a toggle switch, by default is set: “Yes”. Has a tooltip: “If enabled, your customers will receive an invoice for the purchase”.
This is a toggle switch, by default is set: “No”. Has a tooltip: “If required, show the total amount per rate of the corresponding tax.”.
This is a toggle switch, by default is set: “No”. Has a tooltip: “Adds an image in front of the product name on the invoice”.
This is an input field for the invoice, by default has already an input: “#IN”. The field is multinaguage, can be translated to any language that is installed on the shop. Has a tooltip: “Freely definable prefix for invoice number (e.g. #IN00001).”
This is a toggle switch, by default is set: “No”.
This is a toggle switch, by default is set: “No”.
There are 2 selections in this section, and it’s possible to choose only 1:
This is a number input, by default the input is: “0”. Has a tooltip: “The next invoice will begin with this number, and then increase with each additional invoice. Set to 0 if you want to keep the current number (which is #1).”
A field for text input. The field is multinaguage, can be translated to any language that is installed on the shop. Has a tolltip: “Use this field to show additional information on the invoice, below the payment methods summary (like specific legal information).”
Input field for the footer. The field is multinaguage, can be translated to any language that is installed on the shop. Has a tooltip: “This text will appear at the bottom of the invoice, below your company details.”
This is a drop-down list, the following options are:
Has a tooltip: “Choose an invoice model.”.
This is a toggle switch, by default it is set to “No”. Has a tooltip: “Saves memory but slows down the PDF generation.”.