In this page 16 input fields are presented:
Customer email - this field is mandatory, when trying to save without input in this field, a message by the field will appear: “Please fill out this field.”. If an incorrect email address input, a message by the field appears: “Please enter an email address”. If the customer’s email isn’t registered on the shop, when saving, will show the following error: “This email address is not registered”.
Identification number - has a helptext below: “The national ID card number of this person, or a unique tax identification number.”
Address alias - this field is mandatory, when tring to save without input in this field, a message by the field will appear: “Please fill out this field.”. Below there is a help text: “Invalid characters: <>={}”. When trying to save with a incorrect characters, will show the error: " “<>” is invalid "
First name - this field is mandatory, when trying to fill out the field without any inputs, a message by the field will appear: “Please fill out this field”. When trying to save invalid characters, error message will show the invalid characters, and: “is invalid.”. Help text below is displayed: “Invalid characters: 0-9!<>,;?=+()@#“�{}_$%:”
Last name - this field is mandatory, when trying to fill out the field without any inputs, a message by the field will appear: “Please fill out this field”. When trying to save invalid characters, error message will show the invalid characters, and: “is invalid.”. Help text below is displayed: “Invalid characters: 0-9!<>,;?=+()@#“�{}_$%:”
Company - Has a help text below: “Invalid characters: <>={}”.
VAT number - input field for the VAT number.
Address - This is a mandatory field, when trying to fill out the field without any inputs, a message by the field will appear: “Please fill out this field”.
Address (2) - Input field for the secondary address.
Zip/Postal code - This field is mandatory, if the input is incorrect, when saving will show the error: “Your Zip/Postal code is incorrect. It must be entered as follows: 00000 “.
City - This field is mandatory, when trying to fill out the field without any inputs, a message by the field will appear: “Please fill out this field”.
Country - This is a mandatory drop-down field, when pressed displays all the possible countries. By default it is set to United states.
State - This is a mandatory drop-down field, only visible when United states is selected.
Phone - Input for the phone number.
Mobile phone - Input for the mobile phone number.
Other - Input field for additional information. Below a help text is displayed: “Invalid characters: <>{}”.
A call to action button at the top right is displayed: