In this section the information about the customer is presented.
Below there are 12 sections with infomration about the customer.
Customer name, number and email - on the right of this section is an edit button, when pressed redirects to specs of the add edit customer
Below the following information about the customer is displayed:
Orders - on the right of the title the number of orders is displayed. Below the number of valid, invalid orders and the amount (in the default currency of the shop) is displayed. All the orders are listed below, and the details of the orders are displayed:
Carts - Displays the number of carts by the customer All the carts for the customer are displayed:
Viewed products - Displays the number of viewed products Below all the products are listed:
Add a private note - a help text in the box displays: “This note will be displayed to all employees but not to customers.”. Below a text box is displayed that shows: “Add a note on this customer. It will only be visible to you.”. When pressed, it’s possible to add text. Below there is a “save” button which saves the input text.
Messages - Displays the messages and their count from the customer, if there are no messages, it will show: “customer name has never contacted you”.
Vouchers - Displays the vouchers and their count that the customer has, if there are no vouchers, it will show: “customer name has no discount vouchers”.
Last emails - Displays the last emails from the customer and their count. Below the following information is shown:
Last connections - Displays the last connections and their count. Below the following information is shown:
Groups - Displays the groups and their count, also an edit button is displayed, when pressed edirects to specs of the add edit customer Below the following information is showed:
Addresses - Displays the addresses and their count. Has an “add” button, when pressed, redirects to the customer addresses page.
Wishlist - Displays the count of the items added to the wishlist by the customer.