This UI allows to modify the permissions of the Prestashop application. Permissions lets or firbids the access to the certain elements of the application. The permissions can be ticked or unticked on the certain checkboxes, system saves the Premission status instantly after the ticking.
The UI is constructed with 2 panels - while navigating the left panel, the content of the menu is displayed in the right panel.
This UI shows the Permission names.
There are similar administration profiles, defined with Menu and Module permissions. Those are default created:
Has nothing to modify, because it is the top-layered profile in Prestashop. The notificatioin Administrator permissions cannot be modified. is displayed.
These permissions are listed as all Enabled by default:
Permission | View | Add | Edit | Delete |
Sell, Orders, Invoices, Credit Slips, Delivery Slips, Catalog, Products, Categories, Monitoring, Brands & Suppliers, Suppliers, Customers, Addresses, Customer Service, Merchandise Returns, Improve, Shipping, Carriers, Preferences. | :white_check_mark: | :white_check_mark: | :white_check_mark: | :white_check_mark: |
These permissions are listed as all Disabled by default:
Permission | View | Add | Edit | Delete |
Dashboard, Shopping Carts, Attributes & Features, Attributes, Features, Brands, Files, Discounts, Cart rules, Catalog Price Rules, Stock, Customers, Outstanding, Customer Service, Order Messages, Stats, Prestashop Metrics, Stats, Modules, Module Manager, Modules, Alerts, Updates, Module Catalog, Module Catalog, Module Catalog, Module Selections, Module Selections, Wishlist Module, Configuration, Statistics, Design, Theme & Logo, Theme & Logo, Pages Configuration, Advanced Customization, Theme Catalog, Theme Catalog, Email Theme, Email Theme, Pages, Positions, Image Settings, Link List, Payment, Payment Methods, Preferences, International, Localization, Localization, Languages, Currencies, Geolocation, Locations, Zones, Countries, States, Taxes, Tax Rules, Translations, Marketing, Facebook, Configure, Shop Parameters, General, General, Maintenance, Order Settings, Statuses, Product Settings, Customer Settings, Groups, Titles, Contact, Contacts, Stores, Traffic & SEO, SEO & URLs, Search Engines, Referrers, Search, Search, Tags, Merchant Expertise, Advanced Parameters, Information, Performance, Administration, E-mail, Import, Team, Employees, Profiles, Permissions, Database, SQL Manager, DB Backup, Logs, Webservice, Multistore, Multistore, Experimental Features, More, Welcome, AdminBlockListing, PrestaShop Account (ajax), PrestaShop Account (debug). | :x: | :x: | :x: | :x: |
There are View, Configure and Uninstall Permissions in the Module panel, and all the permissions are Disabled by default.
These permissions are listed as all Enabled by default:
Permission | View | Add | Edit | Delete |
Sell, Catalog, Products, Categories, Improve, International, Localization, Localization, Translations, Configure, Shop Parameters, Search, Search. | :white_check_mark: | :white_check_mark: | :white_check_mark: | :white_check_mark: |
These permissions are listed as all Disabled by default:
Permission | View | Add | Edit | Delete |
Orders, Invoices, Credit Slips, Delivery Slips, Shopping Carts, Monitoring, Attributes & Features, Attributes, Features, Brands & Suppliers, Brands, Suppliers, Files, Discounts, Cart Rules, Catalog Price Rules, Stock, Customers, Customers, Addresses, Outstanding, Customer Service, Customer Service, Order Messages, Merchandise Returns, Stats, PrestaShop Metrics, Stats, Modules, Module Manager, Modules, Alerts, Updates, Module Catalog, Module Catalog, Module Catalog, Module Selections, Module Selections, Wishlist Module, Configuration, Statistics, Design, Theme & Logo, Theme & Logo, Pages Configuration, Advanced Customization, Theme Catalog, Theme Catalog, Email Theme, Email Theme, Pages, Positions, Image Settings, Link List, Payment, Payment Methods, Preferences, Languages, Currencies, Geolocation, Locations, Zones, Countries, States, Taxes, Tax Rules, Marketing, Facebook, General, General, Maintenance, Order Settings, Statuses, Product Settings, Customer Settings, Groups, Titles, Contact, Contacts, Stores, Traffic & SEO, SEO & URLs, Search Engines, Referrers, Tags, Merchant Expertise, Advanced Parameters, Information, Performance, Administration, E-mail, Import, Team, Employees, Profiles, Permissions, Database, SQL Manager, DB Backup, Logs, Webservice, Multistore, Multistore, Experimental Features, More, Welcome, AdminBlockListing, PrestaShop Account (ajax), PrestaShop Account (debug). | :x: | :x: | :x: | :x: |
There are View, Configure and Uninstall Permissions in the Module panel, and all the permissions are Disabled by default.
These permissions are listed as Enabled and Disabled by default:
Permission | View | Add | Edit | Delete |
Sell, Orders, Orders, Invoices, Credit Slips, Shopping Carts, Catalog, Products, Categories, Brands & Suppliers, Customers, Addresses, Customer Service, Order Messages, Configure, Shop Parameters, Traffic & SEO, Referrers, Advanced Parameters, Webservice. | :white_check_mark: | :white_check_mark: | :white_check_mark: | :white_check_mark: |
Brands, Search, Search | :white_check_mark: | :x: | :x: | :x: |
These permissions are listed as all Disabled by default:
Permission | View | Add | Edit | Delete |
Dashboard, Delivery Slips, Monitoring, Attributes & Features, Attributes, Features, Suppliers, Files, Discounts, Cart Rules, Catalog Price Rules, Stock, Customers, Outstanding, Customer Service, Merchandise Returns, Stats, PrestaShop Metrics, Stats, Improve, Modules, Module Manager, Modules, Alerts, Updates, Module Catalog, Module Catalog, Module Catalog, Module Selections, Module Selections, Wishlist Module, Configuration, Statistics, Design, Theme & Logo, Theme & Logo, Pages Configuration, Advanced Customization, Theme Catalog, Theme Catalog, Email Theme, Email Theme, Pages, Positions, Image Settings, Link List, Shipping, Carriers, Preferences, Payment, Payment Methods, Preferences, International, Localization, Localization, Languages, Currencies, Geolocation, Locations, Zones, Countries, States, Taxes, Taxes, Tax Rules, Translations, Marketing, Facebook, General, Maintenance, Order Settings, Order Settings, Statuses, Product Settings, Customer, Settings, Customer Settings, Groups, Titles, Contact, Contacts, Stores, SEO & URLs, Search Engines, Tags, Merchant Expertise, Information, Performance, Administration, E-mail, Import, Team, Employees, Profiles, Permissions, Database, SQL Manager, DB Backup, Logs, Multistore, Multistore, Experimental Features, More, Welcome, AdminBlockListing, PrestaShop Account (ajax), PrestaShop Account (debug). | :x: | :x: | :x: | :x: |
There are View, Configure and Uninstall Permissions in the Module panel, and all the permissions are Disabled by default.
Each checkbox has the interactions, once it is clicked. The clicking is initiated using Ajax request, and the response is instant, page is not reloading. If the checkbox marking or unmarking is successful, there will be green success notification Update successful prompted, on the top right of the UI.
Each Permission column has a select-all type of checkbox marking. Once the View, Add, Edit, Delete or All for Menu, and View, Configure or Uninstall for Modules permission is checked on the top of the column, the rest of column permissions are auto-checked for the all of permission values down the table.
Multistores are not impacted in the permission UI. Multistores top-right widget is available only in All Shops context.