In this page 1 table is present for the shop layouts.

Choose layouts

Below there 3 rows:

  • Page - by default there are 47 pages.

  • Description - by default there are 10 descriptions.

  • Layout, this section is a drop-down field, it has 4 selections when pressed:

    • Full Width - No side columns, ideal for distraction-free pages such as product pages.
    • Three columns - One large central column and 2 side columns.
    • Two small columns, small left column - Two columns with a small left column.
    • Two small columns, small right column - Two columns with a right left column.

All the pages by default have their layout set to “Full Width - No side columns, ideal for distraction-free pages such as product pages.” Except for: Best sales, Contact us, New products, Prices drop and category,their default layout is - “Two small columns, small left column - Two columns with a small left column.”

Call to action

At the bottom there is a “Save” button, when pressed redirects to the specs of the theme&logo-listing And shows the following message: “Successful update.”