This dashboard is displaying the information about the Shopping Cart initiator - the customer, visitor or guest visitor who generated the Cart. It can be accessed by selecting the Shopping Cart row and clicking on View button on the right of the row.
The elements of the page UI
Registered customer in Prestashop
- Total Cart - Total amount of the cart
- Customer information - a section, that lists the customer:
- first name,
- last name,
- account registration date,
- valid orders placed - total number of orders, that user has fully completed.
- total spent since registration,
- the customer email.
The customer name and last name contains a link, that directs to the Customer Account page in Prestashop. Email link is also implemented with a link, once clicked initiates the email composing.
- Order information - if the Order is made, then the link appears with the Order number with the hashtag near. This link is clickable, it redirects to the specific order of the Customer has made. If Order is not made and Cart is stated as Non ordered cart - then new Order can be created by clicking the button Create an order from this cart.
- Made on - the exact timestamp registered when the Order was made.
Unregistered customer in Prestashop
- Total Cart - the numeric value, that describes the total amount that single customer has so far.
- Customer information - the indication that Guest is not registered, so none of the additional information available.
- Order information - the indication that No order was created from this cart.
- Made on - the exact timestamp registered when the Order was made.
Cart Summary
The whole section table, where the orders of the customer are displayed. The elements of UI are basic: product image, product name with the link into the product editing, unit price, quantity, stock and total cart sum.
Total cost of products and Total summary is defined also, counting the total sum from the products.
Tax included or Tax excluded yellow warning notification is displayed For this particular customer group, prices are displayed as: Tax included or For this particular customer group, prices are displayed as: Tax excluded in the end of the Cart summary list.
Multistore functionality
There is a Multistore switcher in the top-middle of the page, however the View Shopping Cart page is not impacted by any of the Multistore in Prestashop.