After clicking on it, redirects to the specs of the add/edit social titles
After clicking on it, the page is reloaded. Sorts and searches are kept.
After clicking on it, the SQL query is displayed in a modal. The SQL query takes into account filters and sorts that have been done.
There are two buttons:
After clicking on it, the SQL query is opened in Advanced parameters > Database > SQL Manager
Displays the ID of the title
Displays the social title.
Displays the gender of the title.
Displays the uploaded image for the title.
It’s possible to sort by id asc or desc and search by id.
It’s possible to sort by social title asc or desc and search by social title.
It’s possible to sort by picking the gender from a drop-down menu.
Shows an image of the tile.
Edit. The title can be edited as often as necessary.
👉 See the specs of the add/edit social title
Delete. The title can be deleted by clicking on this button. After clicking on “Delete”, a modal with the title “Delete selection” is opened asking to confirm or cancel the action: “Are you sure you want to delete the selected item(s)?” The action can be canceled by clicking on the cross or on the cancel button. After clicking on “Delete” button, the title is deleted, a successful message is displayed “Successful deletion.”