The dashboard is the default homepage of the back office, it gives a summary of the shop’s daily activities and main statistics at a glance. The dashboard is divided into 4 main areas: a horizontal bar, and three columns.
At the top of the Dashboard, a single bar allows choosing the period of time for the currently displayed dashboard statistics. The following options are available:
Choosing an option updates all the blocks that are on the Dashboard, so they display data for the chosen period of time only. Blocks that are not stats-based do not change.
On the right, a date picker allows selecting a precise date range. By default, the date range depends on which time frame is selected.
After the calendar is extended, 2 fields “from” and “to” for date ranges are displayed. In order to choose a period of time, you can either click the first and last date of that period in the calendar or type the dates in the YYYY-MM-DD format in the fields.
Two periods of time can be compared together by checking the “Compare to” box. Once checked, the second period can be selected either through the same 2 fields “from” and “to” or through the drop-down allowing to select:
If a personalized range is indicated in the “from” and “to” fields, then the option “custom” is automatically selected in the drop-down.
When comparing two periods, the blocks on the Dashboard are updated to indicate the evolution of the data.
If the selected dates are incorrect, the following error message is displayed: “The selected date range is not valid.”
2 buttons are located at the bottom:
There are 3 columns in the dashboard:
This block presents the goals defined for the coming months, and how the shop is doing as compared to them. When hovering the graphic with the mouse, the details are displayed.
Firstly, 2 buttons to navigate between years are displayed:
On the right of the block, 2 buttons are displayed:
Configure - Depending on the monthly results, the user can update his forthcoming goals by clicking on this button. When pressed, the forecast graph disappears and a configuration table with the following 5 columns is displayed:
Months: The 12 months of the year are displayed
Traffic: The user can update his forthcoming traffic in this field.
Conversion rate (%): The user can update his forthcoming conversion rate in this field.
Average cart value (default currency): The user can update his forthcoming average cart value (in the default currency) in this field.
Sales: This column will be updated according to the goals set in the other columns (for instance, for a 1000 visitors with a 2% conversion rate and a $10 average cart, you would get 1000*(2/100)*10 = $200).
Save - When this button is pressed, the configuration is saved and the forecast stats are displayed.
Refresh - refreshes the graphic of the Forecast block.
4 tabs that can be selected to display the wanted graphic:
On the top right of this block, 2 buttons are displayed:
The following tabs are displayed and can be selected to display the evolution.
After selecting a tab, the corresponding graphic is displayed. When hovering the graphic with the mouse, the details are displayed. Additionally, when comparing two time periods, it displays the evolution of each figure in percentages.
This block presents a table of the latest orders and a ranking of the products: bestsellers, most viewed, and top searches (as searched in the shop’s search form, not from search engines).
4 tabs can be selected:
In this table, the following columns are displayed: - Customer name - After clicking on the name, the customer’s view page is displayed. - Products - Displays the number of products of the order - Total Tax excl. of the order - Date of the order - Status of the order - A search button at the right of every line is displayed. When pressed, the order detail page of this order is displayed.
Best sellers - when this tab is selected, a table with the following columns are displayed:
Most viewed - when this tab is selected and if the “Save global page views” option from the “Data mining for statistics” module is disabled, the following message is displayed: “You must enable the “Save global page views” option from the “Data mining for statistics” module in order to display the most viewed products, or use the Google Analytics module.”
The following columns are displayed:
- **Image** - The image of the product is displayed.
- **Product** - The product's name and price is displayed.
- **Views** - The number of times the product has been viewed is displayed.
- **Added to cart** - The number of times the product has been added to the cart is displayed.
- **Purchased** - The number of times the product has been purchased is displayed.
- **Percentage** - The percentage of how many times the product was bought is displayed.
Top searches - when this tab is selected, a table with the following columns are displayed:
On the top right of this block there are 2 buttons:
Below in a table, these shop parameters are listed below:
Online visitors
Active shopping carts
Currently Pending
Customers & Newsletters (Displays the time frame which is enabled)
Traffic (Displays the time frame which is enabled)