When pressed redirect back to the module manager Modules > Module manager).
When pressed, a pop-up opens with a drop-down, from which it is possible to select one of the languages installed on the shop to translate the module.
Checks for updates on the module.
When pressed redirects to the Design > Positions).
The module has 3 sections for configurations:
3 Fields are presented in this section:
This is a mandatory input field for the name of the account owner. Leaving it blank, when trying to save will show an error: “Account owner is required.”.
This is a mandatory input field for the name of the account owner. Leaving it blank, when trying to save will show an error: “Account details are required.”. Has a help text below: “Such as bank branch, IBAN, BIC/SWIFT code, etc.”.
This is a mandatory input field for the name of the account owner. Leaving it blank, when trying to save, should show an error but is not (See issue #28351).
3 Fields are presented in this section:
Input field for the reservation period, has a help text below: “Number of days the items remain reserved”. When saving with input as anything apart from numbers should show an error #28354.
Input field for the customer infomration. Has a help text below: “Information on the bank transfer (processing time, starting of the shipping…)”.
This is a toggle switch, by default it is set to “Yes”. Has a tooltip: “Your country’s legislation may require you to send the invitation to pay by email only. Disabling the option will hide the invitation on the confirmation page.”.