In this page, all of the shop customers registered are displayed.
Below there is a table with the following metrics:
On the right of the table there is a refresh button, when pressed, updates the metrics.
When clicking on the settings wheel, the following options are displayed:
After clicking on it, the Advanced parameters > Import page is opened.
After clicking on it, the list is prompted to get saved on the device.
After clicking on it, the page is reloaded. Sorts and searches are kept.
After clicking on it, the SQL query is displayed in a modal. The SQL query takes into account filters and sorts that have been done.
There are two buttons:
After clicking on it, the SQL query is opened in Advanced parameters > Database > SQL Manager
Clicking on the Bulk actions button allows performing bulk actions for the selected attributes (using the checkboxes). A user can:
In the modal you can select:
Below there is the customers list with the following columns
This is a drop-down selection, when pressed can choose: “Mr.” or “Mrs.”.
First name of the customer.
Last name of the customer.
Email address of the customer
Number of sales that the customer made, displayed in a green.
Drop-down selection for “yes” or “no”.
Drop-down selection for “yes” or “no”.
Toggle switch, can be enabled or disabled. Drop-down selection for “yes” or “no”.
Displays the date when the customer registered. For the search there are 2 fields “from” and “to”, when pressed, calendar appears which allows to select a date.
Displays the last time the customer visited the shop.
View. This is the main action and it can be performed by clicking on the line.
👉 See the specs of the view customer
Edit. The attribute can be edited as often as necessary.
👉 See the specs of the add/edit customer
Delete. The attribute can be deleted by clicking on this button. After clicking on “Delete”, a modal with the title “Delete selection” is opened asking to confirm or cancel the action: “Are you sure you want to delete the selected item(s)?” The action can be canceled by clicking on the cross or on the cancel button. After clicking on “Delete” button, the customer is deleted, a successful message is displayed “Successful deletion.”
The search button is disabled as long as no search field has been filled. After clicking on “search”, the “search” button is disabled and a “reset” button is displayed. If there is no results for the search done, the following message is displayed: “No records found”. When clicking on “reset”, the search is removed and all the results are displayed.
Required fields
Firstly an explanation is presented:
“Select the fields you would like to be required for this section. Please make sure you are complying with the opt-in legislation applicable in your country.”
Below 2 checkboxes are available: