This UI contains the listing management of all the Modules installed in webshop.
Top UI elements
- Multistore switching dropdown - allows navigating through the available Multistores. Note, that if the module is installed in one Multistores, it appears in the rest of Mulstistores or Shop groups also.
- View my shop and icon - allows opening the Front-Office in the blank new page by clicking this eye icon link. Redirection leads to the homepage of the Mulsitstore.
- Breadcrumbs navigation - identifies the page level.
- Module manager - H1 class title for the page.
- Upload a module Call-to-action (CTA) button with the cloud-style icon with the arrow pointed up - allows uploading and installing the module to the store. Once the mouse pointer is hovered to this button, an additional tooltip is visible with the advisable text Upload a module. After the button is clicked, a pop-up will appear (more details in the next paragraph Upload pop-up).
- Help ghost CTA - a side-bar with the helpful information, how to navigate in this page.
- Tabs - navigation tabs for Modules listing menu:
- Modules - highlighted tab.
- Alerts
- Updates
Upload pop-up
- Upload a module - pop-up title identifier.
- X icon - closes the pop-up instantly.
- Dotted borders section area - where the archive can be uploaded by dragging and dropping the archive file right into this area.
- Cloud-style icon with the arrow pointed up - visually identifies the upload function in pop-up.
- Drop your module archive here or select file - describes the ability to drag and drop the archive in the area or by clicking the select file link, choosing the appropriate archive by the Browse function of the browser.
- Please upload one file at a time, .zip or tarball format (.tar, .tar.gz or .tgz). Your module will be installed right after that. - additional advisable text indicating the all correct archive extensions, that can be validated and accepted by the webshop. As well, the archive will be executed to the installation phase right after the upload action. Once the installation execution starts, the UI will show a spinning loader icon at the top, the text title Installing module…, the advisable text It will close as soon as the module is installed. It won’t be long!. Once the installation process finishes, the spinning loader icon becomes a checkmark icon, text phrase Module installed! appears, indicating that the archive installation was successful. Configure CTA button appears also, leading to the module configuration page, for instant module management.
If the archive size is too big or there were other code failures when uploading the archive to the webshop, the pop-up will display the following elements, right after the upload:
- Oops… Upload failed. - the information text about the failed module upload or install.
- What happened? - a question with a link to the details, why the archive upload or install has failed.
- Failure details - if the What happened? link is clicked, there will be detailed failure explanations. Sometimes it is described as text, for example, File is too big (78.42MiB). Max filesize: 50MiB. or sometimes it could be shown as a Symfony PHP exception error, for example, This file does not seem to be a valid module zip in src/Adapter/Module/ModuleZipManager.php (line 139), when Debug mode is enabled in Prestashop.
- Try again - clicking this will lead to the default pop-up of the archive upload, suggesting attempting a file upload once again.
The main UI elements
Search input - a wide input field that helps to find desired module, by typing module name or a part of the module name. This search converts the texted words to tags with the X icons, suggesting to delete the word later. The search results are retrieved instantly, right after the word has been typed and mouse pointer clicked on Magnifying glass icon search button. Alternatively, mouse clicking on other UI elements, pressing Tab button, or any other button on keyboard will initiate the search action as well. There is no limit of characters in the search field.
Category - a dropdown that can segment the Modules displayed in this page by Categories. By default, if the dropdown is not clicked, it is named by Categories. All the Categories, except Recentrly used, contain names and numeric values of total modules. Note, that Categories are displayed as bolded titles and segmenting the module rows in listing. The Categories names are:
- Recently used
- Administration
- Design & Navigation
- Promotions & Marketing
- Product Page
- Payment
- Shipping & Logistics
- Traffic & Marketplaces
- Customers
- Facebook & Social Networks
- Specialized Platforms
- Other
Once the category value is selected, the UI arranges all the list according to the Category. The arrangement results are retrieved instantly below the dropdown. If there are no modules in the Category, the notification box is prompted - You do not have module in « {category name} ». Discover the best-selling modules of this category in the {category name link} page. Once a Category is selected and managed, returning to the all modules list is called All Categories dropdown menu link.
The arrangement results are retrieved instantly below the dropdown.
Bulk actions - by default the dropdown is disabled, but once there is a selection - checkbox marking - of a module in the list, the dropdown becomes active. When the dropdown is active, there are available values to click:
- Uninstall - uninstalls selected module or modules.
- Disable - disables selected module or modules.
- Enable - enables selected module or modules.
- Reset - resets selected module or modules.
- Enable Mobile - enables the Mobile view for the module or modules.
- Disable Mobile - disables the Mobile view for the module or modules.
Once the Bulk action pop-up is shown, there is a title Bulk action confirmation and secondary confirmation text You are about to the following modules: and the list of module names. As well as 2 CTA buttons - Cancel - closes the pop-up, discards further actions - or Yes, I want to do it - proceeds the selected Bulk action.
Module row
Each Module listing UI is displayed as a separate row and with the following elements:
Icon - specific module icon, that identifies the module in visual side.
Name - full module name.
Numeric value with dots - module version.
Bolded smaller text - the name of the module developer.
Description paragraph - description of the module. Sometimes there is a huge paragraph, so a module row shows only an excerpt of the description and the rest of the text is expanded under the Read more link (more information about the Read more pop-up is in a separate paragraph).
CTA button - these buttons are used for module management. By default, once the module is installed in the system, the CTA button becomes Configure named. Clicking configure leads to the module management dashboard page. If the module is outdated, the CTA button can be shown as Upgrade. Clicking Upgrade will update the module to the latest version according to the latest module release. There is a dropdown arrow near the button - clicking on the arrow, shows additional functions for the certain module (the same, as Bulk action functions):
- Uninstall - uninstalls selected module.
- Disable - disables selected module.
- Enable - enables selected module.
- Reset - resets selected module.
- Enable Mobile - enables the Mobile view for the module.
- Disable Mobile - disables the Mobile view for the module.
Once one of the functions are executed, the CTA button transforms to spinning loader. After the loader finishes the process, the green success notification will prompt in the top-right side of UI, with the message {function name} action on module {module name} succeeded.
If one of the action responses as unsuccessful, the top-right side UI prompts the message Cannot {action name} module {module name}. The module is invalid and cannot be loaded.
Sometimes, there are errors referred to Addons Marketplace authentication - _Exception thrown by module {module name} on upgrade. Error sent by Addons. You may need to be logged.
Read More pop-up
This pop-up appears right after clicking the Read more link and extends the information about the module. The pop-up contains:
- Icon of the module
- Version of the module
- Developer of the module
- X icon for closing the pop-up
- Bigger image of the module UI or other screenshots
- Tabs for navigating through the information in pop-up - sometimes in other modules tabs are few, but usually the tabs are:
- Overview - full description of the module.
- Additional information - additional description of the module.
- Benefits - listing the benefits of the module.
- Features - lists the features of the module.
- Changelog - the list of module updates in version history.
- Manufacturer icon
- Price
- Configure CTA button - with the functions (like in Bulk actions and in separate module listing row):
- Uninstall - uninstalls selected module.
- Disable - disables selected module.
- Enable - enables selected module.
- Reset - resets selected module.
- Enable Mobile - enables the Mobile view for the module.
- Disable Mobile - disables the Mobile view for the module.
Multistores functionality
Different module functions - Disable, Enable, Disable Mobile, Enable Mobile - can be set separately for each Shop group or Multistore.