As a merchant, I want to make sure visitors can find the product they are looking for on my online store.
A table lists all the aliases defined by the merchant. He/she can add and edit aliases.
Clicking ‘Add new alias’ or on the ‘+’ icon on the top right-hand corner of the table should redirect to a new page, where there are two fields to fill:
Alias. Users can associate as many aliases as they want to the same result as long as they separate them by a comma. A tooltip is available for the field, Enter each alias separated by a comma (e.g. 'prestshop,preztashop,prestasohp').
in Admin.Shopparameters.Help
, followed by Forbidden characters: <>;=#{}
in Admin.Shopparameters.Help
If the input contains the forbidden characters mentioned in the tooltip (<>;=#{}), the user should stay on the page and see an error notification displayed: %s is not a valid alias.
in Admin.Shopparameters.Notification
If the user saves the alias(es) without filling the Result field, he/she should stay on the page and see an error notification displayed: Aliases and results are both required.
in Admin.Shopparameters.Notification
. If everything goes right, he/she should go back to the listing and see a success notification.
Result. Users can define the searching result matching the previously defined alias(es). A tooltip is available for the field, Search this word instead.
in Admin.Shopparameters.Help
If the input contains forbidden characters (<>;=#{}), the user should stay on the page and see an error notification displayed: %s is not a valid result.
in Admin.Shopparameters.Notification
If the user saves the result without filling the Alias field, he/she should stay on the page and see an error notification displayed: Aliases and results are both required.
in Admin.Shopparameters.Notification
. If everything goes right, he/she should go back to the listing and see a success notification.
Clicking ‘Edit’ or anywhere on the table line opens the alias page with the two fields to fill out. Same behavior than already described: when saving, the user goes back to the listing and see a success notification. In the list, the alias should be updated.