SHOP PARAMETERS > Traffic & SEO > Search Engines

This UI lists the Prestashop Search Engines entries.
Meaning of this page
Once the visitors are accessing the webshop, some of them come from Search Engines, like Google. Google Search Engine is added in the listing by default, after the Prestashop installation. The purpose of this page is to gather all the available Search Engines, that Prestashop can recognize. Then the shop administrators can manage those queries, and can be informed, where the visitors are coming from.
Default Search Engines
There are 38 default Search Engines stored in Prestashop already:
- Google
- Aol
- Yandex
- Yahoo
- Baidu
- Lycos
- Exalead
- Voila
- Altavista
- Bing
- Daum
- Eniro
- Naver
- Msn
- Netscape
- Cnn
- About
- Mamma
- Alltheweb
- Virgilio
- Alice
- Najdi
- Mama
- Seznam
- Onet
- Szukacz
- Yam
- Pchome
- Kvasir
- Sesam
- Ozu
- Terra
- Mynet
- Ekolay
- Rembler
Top UI elements
- Search Engines - page title.
- (+) Add new search engine - CTA button for adding a new Search Engine entry.
- Help - a side-bar with the helpful information, how to navigate in this page.
- Tabs - navigation tabs for Traffic & SEO menu:
- SEO & URLs.
- Search Engines - highlighted tab.
- Referrers.
Middle elements - Search Engines table
- Search Engines - table title with.
- Numeric value - total sum of Search Engines identified.
- Plus icon - the same as (+) Add new search engine CTA button in top-right UI - adds new Search Engine entry.
- Export icon - when clicked, a file is generated with all displayed Search Engines from the data list in CSV format.
- Refresh - once clicked, the whole page reloads to display the latest data.
- ID - input field, for searching and filtering specific Search Engine by ID.
- Server - input field, for searching and filtering specific Search Engine Server by name.
- GET variable - input field, for searching and filtering specific GET request variable by name.
- Search button - executes the filtering action, shows the results. If the button is clicked without filling the filter inputs, the UI will be prompted with the warning message Please fill at least one field to perform a search in this list.
- Reset - resets the filtering, shows all the unfiltered Search Engines entries.
- Number - ID of the entry.
- Server name - name of the Search Engine.
- Letter or other string - specific value, included in request syntax.
- Edit button with dropdown - allows to edit the Search Engine or delete it.
Bulk Actioning
Dropdown actions contain:
- Select all - selecting all the Search Engine items.
- Unselect all - unselecting all the Search Engine items.
- Delete selected - deletes the certain selected Search Engine items.
The pagination can be selected by using the navigation widget, with the numbers and left and right sided arrows on the bottom-right of the UI. Search Engines lists can be displayed as 20, 50, 100, 300 and 1000 entries in a one page, by using a dropdown at the bottom-center of the UI.
Once the entry of Search Engine is added in separate Multistore, it affects all the rest of Multistores in the same way. The management will be done in all Multistores simultaneously.