Table of Contents

In this page theme for the shop can be uploaded.

Call to action

  • Add new theme - does not redirect anywhere, refreshes the same page.
  • Export current theme - when pressed redirects to the specs of the Theme&logo listing, also shows the message: “Your theme has been correctly exported: “URL of the theme location in your files”.

Below there are 3 tables:

  1. Import from your computer

In here field named “Zip file” is present, it has a button: “Browse”, when pressed opens a window where a file can be chosen to upload. It also has a help text: “Browse your computer files and select the Zip file for your new theme.”

Below a call to action button “Save” is presented, when a file is uploaded, and the button is pressed, theme will be uploaded. If the format of the uploading file isn’t correct, the following error will be shown: “Invalid file format.”. If no file is uploaded, when pressing “Save”, the following message is shown: “Please select theme’s import source.”.

  1. Import from the web

In here an input field named “Archive URL” is present. It has a help text: “Indicate the complete URL to an online Zip file that contains your new theme. For instance, “"."

Below it has a button “Save”, when pressing the button with an empty field, a message at the top is shown: “Please select theme’s import source.”. If an incorrect URL is entered, when trying to save, will show the error (See issue 27713)

  1. Import from FTP

In this section there is a drop down field “Select the archive”, when pressed, it will show the options of the already uploaded .zip files in the file directoty. Has a help text below: “This selector lists the Zip files that you uploaded in the ‘/themes’ folder.” If a theme that is already used is selected in the drop-down, when pressing save will show the following error: “There is already a theme classic in your themes folder. Remove it if you want to continue.”