In this page theme for the shop can be uploaded.
Below there are 3 tables:
In here field named “Zip file” is present, it has a button: “Browse”, when pressed opens a window where a file can be chosen to upload. It also has a help text: “Browse your computer files and select the Zip file for your new theme.”
Below a call to action button “Save” is presented, when a file is uploaded, and the button is pressed, theme will be uploaded. If the format of the uploading file isn’t correct, the following error will be shown: “Invalid file format.”. If no file is uploaded, when pressing “Save”, the following message is shown: “Please select theme’s import source.”.
In here an input field named “Archive URL” is present. It has a help text: “Indicate the complete URL to an online Zip file that contains your new theme. For instance, “"."
Below it has a button “Save”, when pressing the button with an empty field, a message at the top is shown: “Please select theme’s import source.”. If an incorrect URL is entered, when trying to save, will show the error (See issue 27713)
In this section there is a drop down field “Select the archive”, when pressed, it will show the options of the already uploaded .zip files in the file directoty. Has a help text below: “This selector lists the Zip files that you uploaded in the ‘/themes’ folder.” If a theme that is already used is selected in the drop-down, when pressing save will show the following error: “There is already a theme classic in your themes folder. Remove it if you want to continue.”