
3 sections are presented in this page.

Geolocation by IP address

In this section a mandatory toggle swtich is displayed, by default it is set to “No”. Has a help text below: “This option allows you, among other things, to restrict access to your shop for certain countries. See below.”.

At the bottom a button is shown:

  • Save, when pressed, a message is shown: “Update successful”.


The name of the section has a tooltip: “The following features are only available if you enable the Geolocation by IP address feature.”.

Below there are 3 fields:

  1. Geolocation behaviour for restricted countries

This is a drop-down list, when pressed the options are:

  • Visitors cannot see your catalog. (default option).
  • Visitors can see your catalog, but cannot place an order.
  1. Geolocation behaviour for other countries

This is a drop-down list, when pressed the options are:

  • Visitors cannot see your catalog (default option).
  • All features are available
  • Visitors can see your catalog, but cannot place an order.
  1. Select the countries from which your store is accessible

This is a list of all the countries available, all of them have checkmarks, and can be selected, as well there is a “Select all” button, which when pressed checks all the countries. By default all of the countries are checked.

At the bottom of the section there is a button:

  • Save, when pressed, shows a message: “Update successful”.

IP address whitelist

The name of the section has a tooltip: “You can add IP addresses that will always be allowed to access your shop (e.g. Google bots’ IP).

Below there is a field named: “Whitelisted IP addresses”, in the field are all the shop’s whitelisted IP’s listed, any IP in the list can be edited as a text, or a new one can be added.

At the bottom of the section there is a button:

  • Save, when pressed, shows a message: “Update successful”.