The module when enabled appears within the payment methods when checking out can be selected as payment method.
When pressed redirect back to the module manager [Modules > Module manager] “View module manager”)).
When pressed, a pop-up opens with a drop-down, from which it is possible to select one of the languages installed on the shop to translate the module.
Checks for updates on the module.
When pressed redirects to the Design > Positions).
The module has 2 sections for configurations:
Below there is an explanation from the module:
This module allows you to accept payments by check.
If the client chooses this payment method, the order status will change to ‘Waiting for payment’.
You will need to manually confirm the order as soon as you receive a check.
2 Input fields are present in this section:
This is a mandatory input field, without input in the field, when trying to save will show an error: “The payee field is required.”
This is a mandatory input field, without input in the field, when trying to save will show an error: “The “Address” field is required.”. Has a help text: “Address where the check should be sent to.”.
This section has a checkbox for:
By default the checkbox is marked.