As a merchant, I want to be able to set up my store’s look.
The page can have extra sections if:
There are 4 buttons:
‘Add new theme’ button redirects to the Design > Theme & Logo > Add new theme page.
‘Export current theme’ button generates a zip file of the current theme used at the root of the theme file.
‘Recommended modules and services’ button is displayed only if the MBO module is installed. Clicking on it displays a pop up with recommended modules.
‘Help’ button opens the contextual help panel of the page - this section appears on many different pages.
In the menu there are 3 tabs:
IMPROVEMENT to do: if the module is disabled, hide those 2 pages from the menu like in PrestaShop 1.7.5.x
This section appears if I have RTL languages on my store, like Arabic or Hebrew, even if they are not the default language selected.
You can select a theme and generate a RTL stylesheet.
IMPROVEMENT to do : when i import a logo it’s not resized it must be to avoid the breaking of the page
Header logo. It should be displayed in the header, on all front office pages. PrestaShop’s default theme uses the ‘Classic’ my store logo. Once the image is saved, by clicking on the Save button at the right bottom of this section, users should be able to have a preview of their logo. Authorized header logo images extensions are: .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .jpe, .png, .svg
Mail & invoice logo. PrestaShop’s default theme uses the ‘Classic’ my store logo. The mail logo should be displayed in emails’ header. The invoice logo should be displayed in invoices’ header. In both cases, if no mail nor invoice logo image is defined, the header logo (as the main logo image) is used. Once the image is saved, by clicking on the Save button at the right bottom of this section, users should be able to have a preview of their logo. Authorized mail & invoice logo images extensions are: .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .jpe, .png
Favicons. By default, the favicon is the PrestaShop logo. A light text is written below, Use our favicon generator on PrestaShop Marketplace to boost your brand image!, that redirects to the Addons’ favicon generator - English page: Once the image is saved, by clicking on the Save button at the right bottom of this section, users should be able to have a preview of their logo.
All logo images should be imported via the upload field, with the placeholder Choose file(s) and the CTA Browse, all being clickable items opening the user’s local files.
In a multistore context, the options listed above have checkboxes and specific settings drop-down, take a look at the conditions and specs here
If I am in an all shops context or in a group of shops context, an information notification is displayed: You must select a shop from the above list if you wish to choose a theme.
The multistore yes / no toggle allowing to select all / unselect all checkboxes should be removed.
All the themes imported are displayed here with a preview.
A button “use this theme” is displayed for themes not currently used. After clicking on it, a modal is displayed: “Use this theme?”. A button “Cancel” allows canceling the switch of the theme. A button “Yes” allows switching the theme. The current theme is switched with the one selected and “My current theme” is displayed for the theme used.
A button “delete” is displayed for themes not currently used. After clicking on it, a modal is displayed: “Delete this theme?”. A button “Cancel” allows canceling the deletion. A button “Yes” allows confirming the deletion. A message “Successful deletion.” is displayed to confirm the deletion.
The button “use this theme” is enabled only in a specific shop context.
If “all shops” or a group of shops is selected as context, this button is disabled.
The button “Visit the theme catalog” redirects to this link:
Clicking the “Choose layouts” button opens a different page: Design > Theme & Logo > Choose layouts. Saving redirects me to the general Design > Theme & Logo page and displays a success notification: Successful update.
The button “reset to defaults” appear next to the “choose layouts” only if the debug mode is enabled. It resets all modifications made on the Design > Theme & Logo > Choose layouts page.
If MBO module is installed, on the footer this section will appear. Always on the bottom of the page