In this page 2 sections are present:
2 Input fields are presented:
Input field for the date, by default has the current day entered. Has a tooltip: “Format: 2011-12-31 (inclusive)”. When pressed opens a calendar to choose a date.
Input field for the date, by default has the current day entered. Has a tooltip: “Format: 2011-12-31 (inclusive)”. When pressed opens a calendar to choose a date.
When pressed, if no PDF was done on the selected time, will show the message: “No delivery slip was found for this period.”
3 Input felds are presented:
This is an input field for the delivery prefix, depending on the countries installed on the shop there will be am input ready in the field, if for example the default country in the shop is Germany, the input will be: “#DE”. Has a tooltip: “Prefix used for delivery slips”.
Input field for the delivery number, by default has a number entered: “1”. Has a tooltip: “The next delivery slip will begin with this number and then increase with each additional slip.”. Only numbers are allowed in this field, entering any other characters, when saving will show an error: “This value is not valid.”.
This is a toggle switch, by default is set to: “No”. Has a tooltip: “Add an image before product name on delivery slip”.