Regenerate thumbnails might be a touchy operation for the user.

In order to emphasize the irreversibility of this action, a yellow warning notification should be displayed before the feature’s two options:

Be careful! Depending on the options selected, former manually uploaded thumbnails might be erased and replaced by automatically generated thumbnails.
Also, regenerating thumbnails for all existing images can take several minutes, please be patient., localized in Admin.Design.Notification

Select an image


Erase previous images

In order to avoid the user to delete his previous work to by mistake, the switch button should be set to ‘No’ by default.

Also, when clicking on ‘Regenerate thumbnails’, a pop up modal window should display the following message:

title = Regenerate thumbnails in Admin.Actions
confirm_message = Are you sure you want to regenerate thumbnails for the selected images? With the erase option enabled, the previous thumbnails of your selection will be deleted. in Admin.Design.Notification

confirm_button_label = Regenerate in Admin.Actions
close_button_label = Cancel in Admin.Actions